Tag: Los-Angeles

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 18, 2022

Pretentiously Pretextual Perps, Robot Killed, FBlie, Disinfo Dictatorships, Pavlovian Society, Moral Abomination, What Health Privacy?, CoVinsurrection, Nature Versus Man-made, Green Costs Skyrocket, The Economic War, Rlog, BTWRLM503, S.F., killer robots, police policy, huge backlash, DNC, Seth Rich, FBI, Disinformation Czar, Nina Jankowicz, Foreign Agent, Germany, total dictatorship, EU, freeze assets, RT, Iran, Press TV, Eutelsat, Censorship, BitChute, Bank Accounts, Musk, Bari Weiss, Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Biggest Story Of The Decade, behavioral interventions, warm banks, UK, morality police, Israel, bans, medical equipment, Gaza, American Jewish community, U.N., Surrender, Nuclear Arsenal, Trudeau, Disabled Veteran, EUTHANIZED, National Guard, Bait and Switch, shot, HIPAA, Mask Mandate, Los Angeles, Recurring Threat, Tainted Blood, Blood Transfusions, Unvaccinated Donors, Pure Blood, demand, Clam, Antibiotic, epithelial barrier damage, 5G, depression, Nanoparticles, food additives, babies, womb, food allergies, Dutch, Forcibly Close, 3000 Farms, Green Agenda, Switzerland, EV ban, blackouts, The Dark Origins, Great Reset, Vanguard, climate alliance, net-zero project, 1% of Americans, Russia, Putin, economic war, Ukraine conflict, 2025

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 18, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – February 10, 2019.

The Condition Your Condition Is In, Reproducibility Crisis Is Sustainable Fraud, Transparently, They’re In On It!, Military Drill Or Occupier Invasion, They’re Here: Autonomous Killer Drones, Unconventional Weapons, In Your Face Consequences, Mess’n With Texas, Literal Thought Policing, Prison State, Guy Fawkes, I Need Your Mask, Stop Calling Soldiers To Your House, Special Force Immunity, Scientists, Political Lobbying, Stakeholder, Agenda 21, Taking Liberty, Wildlands Project, Conference Of Mayors, Smart City, Los Angeles, War Drill, China, Killer Bots, Killer Drones, Wikileaks, Military Use, IMF, World Bank, Executive Expedience, Facial Recognition, Real-Time Spy, Crime Centers, North Texas, Facial Recognition, Guy Fawkes, Alabama, Debt Drivers, Cop Killed Her Service Dog, BTWRLM305

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – February 10, 2019.