Tag: Pentagon-Funded

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 20, 2022


The Great Яeset, Protect Sunshine, Backdoor Biden, Legalized Exploitation, Cold & Flu Fraud Revealed, Prophylaxis and Therapeutics, Domestic Bio-lab Contamination, Mutant Discrimination Outlawed, U.S. Psychopath Oligarchs, U.S. BioWeapon Threats, CIA Ukraine, Western Plunderers, Sanction Blowback, Rlog, BTWRLM465, Daylight Saving Time, oil and gas, Gun Control, Guilty Until Proven Innocent, tax audits, Blatantly Illegal, DHS, JPMorgan, Rigging Markets, Scandal, Credit Suisse, flawed PCR, British scientist, Treaty On Pandemic, Prophylaxis, Therapeutics, Leaking Data, FMBA-Developed, Plum Island, Hurricane Bob, Discrimination, Mutants, Genetically Altered People, GAPs, Genetic Discrimination, Hunter Biden’s Emails, Delaware Laptop, Psychopathy, Environmental Adaptation, Road to War, Pentagon-Funded, Biolabs, Kharkov, Blackwater, Donbas, Azov Battalion, Seized Russian Assets, Russian Gold, Saudi Arabia, Petroyuan, Petrodollar, Collapse

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