Tag: BingeDrinkers

Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Liberty Music Podcast Archives Podcasts Science & Technology

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-11-01 – #RonPaul #NationalDebt #Cannabis #Baghdadi #Antifa #Fire

Some Of The Stuff I Talked About:
° Ron Paul Frightens Trick-Or-Treaters By Jumping Out And Telling Them About The National Debt
° Update your iPhone or your internet might go away
° Binge drinkers who also smoke cannabis may be protected from liver diseases
° SC man cites fear of zombies as stabbing motive
° Baghdadi’s Body Chucked Out Of An Airplane Into The Ocean
° Man arrested on suspicion of bringing BB gun into Walmart says he was trying to return it
° YouTube Classic (Firefox)
° YouTube Classic (Chrome)
° Antifa Supporter Brags About Giving Kids Dressed as Trump Fentanyl Laced Candy
° Insurers drop fire coverage for 350,000 California residents
° Amazon offering free grocery delivery for Prime members
° You could soon use your face to pay for groceries, but privacy experts are urging caution
° ‘Torture Porn’ Haunted House Accused of Sexually Assaulting Attendees

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-11-01 – #RonPaul #NationalDebt #Cannabis #Baghdadi #Antifa #Fire