Tag: Biometric

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 28, 2024

Global Viral Piracy, Bird Flu Moo, Ferreting Weasel Words, Kent State Redux, Genocide For Votes, Florida Man, Thou Shalt Not, False Witness, Proper Court Order, House Of The Compromised, Rlog, BTWRLM574, Bird flu, Chemistry, Milk, Dairy Cows, Highly, Pathogenic, Avian, Influenza, Novel, H5N1, Weasel Words, Stella Assange, Julian Assange, Biden, Choose, Freedom, Democracy, Plot Twist, Snipers, Ohio, Indiana, University, Pro-Palestine, Protests, Radical, IDF, Sanctions, Psych, Human Rights, Violations, Placate, Voters, Dangers, Communism, Florida, Myopic, Trump Trial, Max Azzarello, Self-immolation, Fascist, Coup, Russian, Assets, Ukraine, U.S., House of Thieves, Confiscate, EU, Blow-back, Destroy, Global, Financial, System, Estonia, Demonacracy, Christian, Monasteries, Threatened, Minors, Exchanged, Families, Reunited, Ctrl-Z Divorce, Final, Police, Compel, Biometric, Device, Unlocking, Lenders, Leveraging, Africa, Resources, Debt, Asymmetrical, Exploitation, Xi Jinping, Military, Overhaul, Cognitive Warfare, US, Lawmakers, Fear, Framed, Kiddie Porn, Tucker Carlson

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 28, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 24, 2024

Global Demonacracy, WebTunnel, Cyber Social Contract, Beyond Bleak, Black Gold Poly Ticks, Pariah States, Cyber Panopticonacracy, Synthetic Novelty, Warrant Required, Global Religionism, Rlog, BTWRLM569, TOR, Curb, Censorship, World Bank, Verizon, Digital ID, Social Contract, Roku, Dispute Resolution, Rout, JPMorgan, Biometric, Payments, Africa, Banking Glitch, Poverty, Revolt, Canada, Gold, New Highs, Buying, Spree, Biden Administration, Gasoline-fueled, EV, Russia, Energy, Revenues, Global, Energy Market, Covid-19, Lockdowns, Cognitive Decline, Israel, Pariah’ State, US, Special Forces, One Mile, Chinese, Mainland, Strips, Citizenship, Disinformation, iPhones, World War III, CERN, South Korea, Scientists, Lab-Grown, Beef, Rice, Remove, HIV, Nanoplastics, Increase, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Polyethylene, Jabs, Police, IP, Warrant, Judgment, Lisbon Court of Appeal, HABEAS CORPUS, RT-PCR, Useless, I PRAY, I FEAR, Green Religion, Israelis, Palestinians, Non-dependant, What would Jesus do?

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 24, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 3, 2023

Governmental Non-Contextual Mindlessness, State Secrets Exposed, Election Gearing, We’re All Dead!, Animal Feed Snacks, Massive Digital Vulnerabilities, IDF Demons, Pandering Prostitutes, Sovereign Palestinian State, Self-Determination, Anti-Globalist Globalists, Awash In Debt, Rlog, BTWRLM553, Secretive, White House, Surveillance, Cops, Phone, Records, Seth Rich, Laptop, Release, Henry Kissinger, Dies, 100, War Criminal, CTI League, American Infrastructure, Whistle Blower, Shellenberger, Psychological Operation, Global Censorship, Mike Lindell, Vindication, Future, World, Order, Biden, Plant, Hardiness, Map, Perdue, Human Feed, Tyson,, Antibiotics, Protix, IMF, CBDC, Replace, Cash, Financial Inclusion, Autozone, MOVEit, Data Breach, SSN, Israeli, Intelligence, National, Biometric, Database, al-Shifa, Hospital, Congress, Disgrace, Netanyahu, Protecting, Hamas, Musk, Invitation, Palestine, 1967 Border, Sanctions, Russian, Gold, Oil, Argentina, Milei, Baudet, World, Debt Tsunami, Germany, Plumber of Power, Bundestag, Laughter, Scholz, Energy, Price, Breaks, Serious Crisis, Sustainable, Sewer, Rats, Green Transition, Green Death, Basic, Economics

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 3, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 26, 2023

The Token Citizen, Core Values, Trump Theater, Might You Know Someone?, Fee Money, Yokenized Citizens, Kosher Ceasar, Shared Debt, Cash Didn’t Kill Itself, Lawful Money, Ghostly Destroyer, pHarma Fallout, Chemical Disaster Warning, CoviSwindle Centralization, None Are Safe, #Rlog, BTWRLM517, Idaho Supreme Court, Drug Dog, Trespass, U.S. AfriCom, Core Values, Coup Leaders, Trump, arrest, Theater, Popcorn, JustUs system, two-tier, Proud Boys, J6, Exculpatory, FBI, Destroy Evidence, $1.5 Million, Gold claim, MineProperty@proton.me, Fed Hikes, Yellen, Everything Is fine, guarantee, bank deposits, Musk, Deceiving Depositors, Tight Money, FedNow, Instant Payments, CBDC, Ceasar, Ziopaths, Ides of March, Roman history, Swiss bank, bailout, Deutsche Bank, WEF, end of cash, Cashless, inevitable, JPMorgan, Sex Trafficking, Epstein, expiring money, Programmable Currency, Token Citizen, Not 420, Russia, unSWIFT, DeSantis, central bank digital currency, gold and silver Coin, Tender, DNA contamination, exosomes, MicroRNAs, immune suppression, Drug-Resistant, Fungus, Spreads, Covid Apology, Government Goo, Chemical Disaster, 9/11 Victims, East Palestine, Toxic Train, Trudeau, Emergencies Act, Australia, digital ID, France, biometric, medical ID, Germany, EU, Chat control, client-side scanning, Resistance, Tucker Carlson, Anya Parampil, NSA, WHO, surveillance powers

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 26, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 19, 2022


Niki Raapana Attribution, R.I.P, Communitarianism Agents Exposed, Hegelian Dialectic Deception, Enlightened Tyranny, Consent Of The Governed, The Digital Prison, Holy Climate Change Criminals Bartman, Gun Measure Madness, Rlog, BTWRLM478, Niki Raapana, R.I.P., ACL Books, Nordica Friedrich, Communitarianism, Green Mask, Rosa Koire, Hegelian Dialectic, Individual Liberty, Scientists, Experts, China Surveillance, MILITARY STATE, Governed, India, Aadhaar ID, Biometric, Central Bank Digital Currencies, CBDC, Powell, Digital Dollar, Reserve Currency Status, Dynamic Duo, Newsome, Trudeau, Canadians, Self-defense, Gun Control, Assault Weapons

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 19, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 24, 2022


Dark Days Manifesting, Freedomless Press, Shanghaied Future, Chemical Venom Analogs, Straighter Ukraine Truth, The InFedWe Trust, Consensual Digital Panopticon, No Police Profession, Bonus Gotcha Links, Rlog, BTWRLM470, Assange Extradition, Nightmare Shanghai, Rhode Island, Mysterious Hepatitis, Parental Primacy, Venom, Pierre Kory, Andrew Kaufman, V-Analogs, Russian Oligarchs, Gonzalo Lira, Civil Death, Banking for All Act, JPMorgan Chase, FedSlaveCoin, GovSlaveCoin, Digital Dollar, Biometric, Panopticon, Malicious Prosecution, Immunity

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 24, 2022
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-16 – #Biometric #IntelligentLife #Trump #FastRadioBurst #Outbreak

Today’s Show Topics:
° The Biometric Threat
° Astronomers Want Public Funds For Intelligent Life Search
° Trump Threatens To Pull Federal Cannabis Protections
° How To Block The Chrome Software Reporter Tool (software_reporter_tool.exe)
° Fast Radio Burst: A Mysterious Deep Space FRB Is Sending Signals To Earth Every 16 Days
° China Tries 3,000-Year-Old Traditional Remedy On Virus Patients
° Nearly 10K Military Personnel From 110 Nations In Wuhan China Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak!
° Human Composting Could Be The Future Of Deathcare
° What Experts Have to Say About the Endocannabinoid System
° What Is The Endocannabinoid System And Anandamide?

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-16 – #Biometric #IntelligentLife #Trump #FastRadioBurst #Outbreak
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 07, 2019.

BTWRLM326, Avoiding This Insanity, Holy Green Terror: The Sun!, Wear Your Safety Glasses, War For The Children, UKid Soldiers, Constitutional Felons Update, Lost Morality, Who Owns Your Face?, Avoiding BiGoogle Data, FaceBan, You Need This Law, Stop Public-Private Surveillance Capitalism, DNS-Over-HTTPS Security, NASA, Global Warming, The Sun, World Colding, Climate Change, Mirror Universe, Big Bangs, Scientists, Subatomic Particles, Oregon Governor, Kate Brown-shirt, Divisive Climate, UK, Child Soldiers, Iraq, Vannatta v. Keisling, Immoral Or Scandalous, Trademarks, Ninth Circuit, Facial Recognition, Facebook, Lexis Nexis, Google Products, Somerville, City Council, Florida, Front-yard Garden, Illegal Citizen, Biometric, Voiceprints, Toronto, Google’s Smart City, Wiretap, DNS-Over-HTTPS, Firefox

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 07, 2019.