Tag: Blinken

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024

International Intrigues, It’s Called Summer, Petrodollar Crosses mBridge, Landmark Alliances, Kiev Thieves, War Lesson Learned, Massive Losses, Treason or Not?, Pentagon Covid Disinfo, Juneteenth Chattel Extortion, Rlog, BTWRLM582, Heat Dome, Temperatures, Petrodollar, Global Trade, mBridge, USD, Bitcoin, Gold, BIS, China, Central Bank, Digital Currency, Iran, Digital Rial, CBDC, Public, Pilot, Phase, North Korea, Russia, Landmark, Strategic, Partnership, Treaty, Putin, Vietnam, Historical, Friendship, Russian, Ships, Cuba, U.S., Medicine, Dose, Ukraine, Organized, Crime, Gold Mine, Troops, Fuel, Black Market, Public Opinion, Controlled, France, Top, General, 4D Chess, Fronts, West, Losing, Kiev, Regime, Tortured, US, Journalist, Death, Blinken, Resign, Deliberate, Accounting, Gimmicks, Support, Biden, War, DHS, Core Values, Mission, Democracy, Treason, Insurrection, United States, vs., Dalmacio Lagnason, Cramer, v. United, States, Pentagon, Secret, Disinfo, Campaign, Covid, Vaccine, Anti-Vax, Attack, Cybersecurity, Threats, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Promotion, Vaccines, Sudden, Infant, Deaths, SIDS, SADS, Sudden, Adult, Deaths, Evidence, Jubilee, Day, Juneteenth, Extortion, 42USC1981, Frederick Douglass, Not So, Honest Abe, Independence Day, Mental, Capture, Light, Chains, Modern, Plantation, Blockchain

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 2, 2024

Glowing End, Face Saving Questions, Cracking Impunity, Token Masters, Disinformation Lies, Covid Killers, Veteran Contamination, Nuclear Fallout, Rlog, BTWRLM579, Facial Recognition, TSA, Opt Out, American, National, Why?, Raisi, Helicopter, Probe, Questions, Israel, Denies, Why?, ICC, Prosecutor, Arrest Warrants, Netanyahu, Biden, Blinken, Outrageous, ICJ, Israel, Rafah, EU, Sanctions, Non-Compliance, Mossad, Spy, Threats, Mafia, Derecognize, Israel, SEC, Ethereum, ETFs, BlackRock, Fidelity, X Policy, Government ID, Israeli, Verification, Queensland, Tribunal, X, Liable, Hate Speech, California, Online, Digital ID, Social Media, Disinformation, Governance, Board, Definition, Ambiguity, Wiley, Trust The Science, Retracted, 11K, Peer Reviewed, Papers, WHO, Killed, 13 million, Symptoms, Covid, Covid-19, U.S. Government, Cartel, Paid, CVS, Walgreens, Billions, Reject, Ivermectin, Pandemic, Treaty, Falters, Veterans, Sickened, Radiation, Area 52, Denied, Health, Benefits, Australian, Waste, Companies, Recycled, Contamination, Ex-RAF, Copter, Pilots, Sue, UK, Defense Ministry, Cancer-Causing, Agents, Safer, Cleaner, Water, Cost, Americans, Triple, PFAS, Companies, Immune, Minsk, Suspend, CFE Treaty, National Security, Nuclear, Threats, U.S., Limited, Nuclear, Conflict, Russia, China, Insanity, Trump, Bomb, Moscow, Beijing, Denial, Ukraine, Admission, #TagTheme

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 2, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 05, 2024

Deep Fake Democracy, Fatal Side Effects, War Zone Surveillance, Security Advisories, Extraordinarily Generous Mobsters, Because Democracy!, Deep Fakes, Dugin Deceiver or Duped, Rlog, BTWRLM575, Age Of Euphemism, AstraZeneca, UK High Court, Blood Clot, Brain Damage, COVID, Tests, Kits, Unfit for Public, Fail, Unacceptable, Rate, Department of Health and Social Care, Republic First Bank, Collapse, Harbinger, U.S., Banking Crisis, War Zone, Surveillance, Technology, American, Streets, FCC, Net Neutrality, Government, Intrusion, OpenAI, GPT-4, Exploit, Security, Advisory, Vulnerabilities, Arizona, Rancher, George Alan Kelly, Trial, Deadlocked, Mistrial, Case, Dismissed, Mobsters, Satanyahoo, Blinken, Regional, War, Hamas, IDF, Human Rights, Violations, No Sanctions, Bernie Sanders, Anti-Semitism, Israel, ICC, Ultimatum, Democracy, Ukraine, Refuse, Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, US, UK, Total, World at War, Doomsday Plane, RFK Jr., Trump, Democrat plant, AI, Election, Disruption, Deepfake Democracy, YouTube, Fail, Tucker Carlson, Interview, Russian, Philosopher, Aleksandr Dugin, Traditional, Values

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 05, 2024
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 21, 2024

Rise of the Worst, Gonzalo Lira Murder, CIA Vatican Nazifying, Free Speech Attacks, Stick & Stones Military, Public-Private Pathogens, Miltitary pHarmaceutical Complex, Departing, Food Fights, Civil Rights: Punish, Extort, Revenge, Rlog, BTWRLM560, State Dept, Death, American, Journalist, Bloodstained, Blinken, Idiot, Biden, Nuland, Dictator, Zelensky, Two Fates, Rafi Jabar, Russell Bentley, Alina Lipp, CIA, Nazifying, Ukraine, Since 1953, Vatican, Israel, Witch Hunts, Two Genders, One Speech, Elon Musk, X, Drugs, Politics, Graham Phillips, Black Day, UK, Kangaroo Court, Propagandist for Russia, Pentagon, Hunts, Embarrass, Generals, Spooked, Trump, US, Funds, New Bioweapons, Projects, Clinton, Soros, Rockefeller Foundations, Chinese Scientists, Mutant, Pangolin, Coronavirus, GX_P2V, 100% Fatal, Mice, Humans ACE2, Lab Leaks, Post-COVID, Heart Failure Pandemic, Sustainable, Pfizer, Profits, Cost Of Dying, Increase, Speaker Johnson, Facing, McCarthy, AfD MP, German Farmers, Up in Arms, Scholz, Israel, Sales, Lab-Grown Beef, Health Ministry, Civil Rights, Equal Rights, Punish, Extort, Revenge, YouTube, Ad-blocker

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 21, 2024
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sept 24, 2023

Comply Or Backlash, Decongestant Doesn’t, No Vaxx, Fallibility Climate, Press Hunted, The Ukraine Lie, Dangerous Green Proposal, Deepfake Threats, Protect $erve, Laughing Stock, Globalizing Along, Dangerous Fools, Rlog, BTWRLM543, Decongestant, Fail, FDA, Phenylephrine, Fentanyl, Heroin, Vaccine, Clinton Global Initiative, Climate Change, Pope, Green Religion, Rebuild, Ukraine, Haiti, Humanitarian, Front, Zelensky, Terror Team, Murder Squad, Journalists, Transgender, Hate Video, US Imperial, Death Cult, US Taxpayers, Green Proposal, Dangerous, Scientist, Left Out The Full Truth, Wildfire, Study, Deepfake, Threat, Vational Security, Billion Bank Accounts, India, Digital ID, Dead Indian, Limited Value, Attorneys, Twitter, PSYOP, Biden, Electric Tanks, Trump, Multipolarity, Climate Issues, G20, African Union, Permanent Member, Global Dichotomy, Ukraine Fatigue, Global Trade, Russia, SWIFT, Boneface, US Neo-Nazi, CIA Tool, Nuland, Slip, Blinken, Genocide, Rabbis

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sept 24, 2023
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 6, 2023

Irresponsibly Responsible, For The Children, Local Migrant Disease, Manipulated Politics, Addled Intellect, Perception Controls, Eco-WeARiness, Shut Out, Lithium Losers, Our Surveillance, Appearances, Nuclear Climate Change, Fiscal Deterioration, BRICS In The Wall, Cash or Control, Rlog, BTWRLM536, Kids Online Safety Act, (KOSA), children, regressed, developmentally, cough syrup, child deaths, Leprosy, migrants, Democrats, Republicans, Stole Votes, Greens, Libertarians, Alabama, SCOTUS, Gerrymandering, AI – Biden, Error prone, ChatGPT, Clockwork Mind, Brain, Time Perception, Earbuds, Read, Mind, bans, incandescent, LED Lighting, Attention, Long-Term Memory, mental illness, ESG, Perverse, carbon emissions, Outlaws, Anonymity, Identity Verification, Joesph Mercola, Chase Bank, Shuts Accounts, Twitter, commandeers, username, lithium, wildlife refuge, Teslas Banned, Surveillance, Hikvision, Nvidia, Australia, Joint Intelligence Center, Biden, Dump, Ukraine, Taiwan, Nuclear war, climate change, Blinken, Idiot, Australian Government, War, People, Aussie Cossack, Fitch, Downgrades, US Credit Rating, Fiscal Deterioration, Global Shift, Multipolar, World Order, BRICS, SWIFT, non-Western, world, British colonial, era, India, Cash circulation, record, Kiss, Cash, Goodbye

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 6, 2023
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 23, 2023

Coalition Of Criminals, Mandela Memory, Corruption Revealed, Republicans Help, Sanctions Blowback, Debanking Undesirables, New Gold Era, Nunya Biznez, Lap Dawgs, Empire Of Insult, You Were Warned, Blinded By PsyOp,
Ukraine Slice’nDice, Universal Genetic Bioweapon, Biocide60 In Your Future, Rlog, BTWRLM521, Mandela Effect, IRS supervisor, mishandling, Hunter Biden, investigation, laptop scandal, 50 spies, Biden, presidential election, Blinken, McCarthy, Breaking, Debt Ceiling, US Authorities, Nazi-Linked Accounts, Sanctions, Mir Card, Mexico, Russia, China, dollar alternative, Thumbing noses, debanking, disfavored individuals, CBDC, expiring money, Gold Standard, Roosevelt, Gold Heist, Arab League, Syria, Blair, Unipolar World, AAAnd IT’s GONE!, Africa, IMF Austerity, Pentagon leaks, Snooping Powers, declassified video, Russian fighter jets, intercepting, American jets, Unique Weapons, nuclear authority, Zelensky, no borders, Poland, Universal, US, Genetically Engineered, Bioweapon, Transhuman Cult, bacterial DNA, Jab, National Security, Biodefense Plan, Collateral Damage, human emergence, Advancing, Biotechnology, Biomanufacturing, Innovation, Sustainable, American Bioeconomy, Underserved Communities, Pandemic X, Biocide60

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 23, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 19, 2023


Cognitive Warfare Applied, The Propaganda Games, Identifying Info Ops, Crossing Яed Lines, Explosive Expose’, NATO Expansion Beyond, Spy Balloon Baloney, Alien Threats, Rlog, BTWRLM512, SOCOM, Alphabet, AI, ChatBot ‘Glitch’, Market Cap, military-grade, American Jewish Committee, Anti-Semitism, Zionism, Яed Lines, Blinken, Diplomatic Cables, Crimea, Nuland, Maidan midwife, US official, Nazi Collaborator, Nord Stream, US blew up, Seymour Hersh, pinch of salt, Corroborating Evidence, Biden, Terror Attack, High Treason, Norway, NATO, Article 5, space fleet, China spy balloon, No Spy Balloons, information warfare, cognitive warfare, Awareness Gap, US v. UFOs, Alien Threat, Lock Your Doors, VanHerck, Unidentified Object, Continuity of Government, CoG, Alien government, NORAD, NorthCom

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 19, 2023