Tag: Civilian

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 30, 2024

Press Freedom War, Climate More Whether, Zio-CONveniences, Hybrid War Borders, Julian Assange “Freed”, Journalism Persecuted, Lawless Enforcement, Rlog, BTWRLM583, Press, Freedom, War, Accidental, Planet, Cooling, Schrödinger, Cat, Climate, Hot, Cold, Canada, 2023, Wildfires, Emissions, Planes, Rotten, Denmark, Cow, Farts, Tax, Israel, AI, Supercomputer, ADL, Wikipedia, Ban, Bias, Unreliable, Misinformation, Zionism, ultra-Orthodox, Jews, Drafted, Moscow, Summons, US Ambassador, Civilian, Deaths, Sevastopol, Crimea, Attack, US Lawmaker, Condemns, DHS, Secretary, Mayorkas, Salary, Chopping Block, Asset Theft, Arrests, Grounds, War, Medvedev, Diplomatic, Relations, The West, Toilet, Julian Assange, Plea Deal, Freedom, Bad News, Investigative, Journalism, Justice, Isn’t Enough, #FreeAssange, Pardon, @POTUS, Global, US Persecution, South American, Leader, Petro, Invitation, ObamaScare, Unconstitutional, Block, Decline, ICC, Backtracks, Israel, Arrest, Warrant, Due Process, Supreme Court, Limits, Obstruction, Charges, January 6, Rioters

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 30, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 05, 2023

Masters Of Deception, American Desecration, Deterrence Assurance?, Cover Our Bottom, Global Identity Integration, Gov Crypto Control, Self-defense Wrong, Without Peace, Fake Until Make, False Equivalence, Genocide Approved, Ag Your Life, Population Management, Rlog, BTWRLM549, Robert E. Lee, Statue, Insult To The Nation, Bridgeport, Election, Overturned, Ballot Fraud, Ballot Harvesting, FTX, Bankman Fried, Wire Fraud, Conviction, Border Barrier, Texas, Immigration, State-Sponsored, Attack, Apple, COB, India, Personal Data, Leaked, Aadhaars, Palantir, UK, Sell, Health, Data, Link, SIM cards, Digital IDs, Digital Yuan, Internationalization, Full Throttle, Russia, ban, cryptocurrencies, Right to Self-Defense, Occupying Power, World War III, Started, Intertwined, Conflicts, Maidan Snipers, Myth, Coup, ADL, List of Extremists, Jewish Activist, Defamed, Yellow Stars, UN, Shameful, Netanyahu, Apologizes, Dangerous Political Animal, Strikes, Syria, Mass, Civilian, Casualties, Genocide, Acceptable, Crimes Against Humanity, Bolivia, Denunciation, Israel, MonSatan, Roundup, Epidemic, Chronic Kidney, Farm Animals, Health Crises, Tyson Foods, Partnership, Protix, Insects, Sustainable, Protein, Production, Eat Z Bugz, Boris Johnson, Kill The Elderly, Air Vaccine, No Needle, mRNA, Law Violation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 05, 2023