Tag: Crypto

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024

Infringement Has Remedy, Foreign Imposition, Form 4473, We’re All Abused, Unrealized Losses, Digital Fascisma, Technocrat Utopia, No Good Deed, Ultra Processing, Health Insecurities, Legal Criminals, Rlog, BTWRLM581, Democracy, Hypocrisy, Hunter, Verdict, ATF, Form 4473, National Instant Criminal Background Check, Presumption of Innocence, 2nd Amendment, Title 18, United States Code, The American Law Institute, Abused, Like, Donald Trump, Amazon, Execs, Personally, Liable, Prime, Sign-ups, Unrealized Losses, US, Banking System, FDIC, Brink, Insolvency, Speed, Cameras, Atlanta, Fraud, Extortion, Thousands, Californians, Lose, Jobs, Thanks, Newsom, PR Disaster, Microsoft, Total Recall, Hacker, Tool, Extracts, Data, Recall AI, Yellen, significant risks, AI, Finance, Hackers, Steal, $305M, DMM, Bitcoin, Crypto, Exchange, 3B, Personal Records, Stolen, Background, Check, Firm, Law, Student, Unfairly Disciplined, Breach, Blunder, Deny, Denounce, Delay,Ultra-processed, Foods, Battle, Google’s AI, Stupid, Feeds, Onion, Samsung, Independent, Repair, Shops, Share, Customer Data, Snitch, Disassemble, Private Phones, Britain, Tainted, Blood, Scandal, Killed, Thousands, HIV, Hepatitis, Circuit Court of Appeals, COVID-19, mRNA, Jab, NOT a Vaccine, Atlanta, Prosecutor, Jailed, Stealing, $15m, Covid, Funds, Australian, DNA, CONTAMINATION, Confirmed, Pfizer, Moderna, NOT safe, Humans

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 14, 2024

Clowns Crypto Carbon, Officially Clown World, Compromising Threats, Medical Refuseniks, Sickening World, Model Slavery, Non-Crime Spreech, Demonic or Disorder, Jetsons Or Just S.M.A.R.T., Techno-Gretacrats Disappointment, Rlog, BTWRLM572, Ukraine, Clowns, Military, Draft, Canada, Riot Gear, Automatic Weapons, Police, Trucker, Protest, Carbon Tax, DHS, Phone Tracking, Pause, Literally Anybody Else, Threatened, Elections, Commission, France, Fines, Medical, Appointments, CDC, Hidden, COVID-19, Injury, Reports, Police, Settle, Grievance, Claims, Vaccine, Refusals, African, Recall, Johnson & Johnson, Children’s Medicine, Toxic, Naturopath, Dr. Robert Morse, Ecuador, Jorge Glas, Mexican, Embassy, Bank, Implosion, Banks, Insolvent, Crypto, Primer, CBDC, Argentines, Queue, Eye Scans, BIS, AI, Monitor, Global, Bank Transactions, Roblox, Child Labor, A Gift, South Korea, Seizes, Tax Delinquents, Exchange, Scotland, Budget Cuts, Authoritarian, Speech Complaints, UK, Minor Speech Incidents, Traditional Crime, Spree, Ministry of Truth, Hawaii, Ethical, News, Sources, Rare disorder, Demonic, They Live, 3D Map, Dark Energy, Debate, Universe’s Future, Hubris, Russia, Space Exploration, Rosatom, Plasma, Rocket, Engine, Pulsed, Tokamac, Jetsons, Smart devices, Poor Investment, Plants, 30 per cent, greater, CO2

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 14, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 17, 2023

Wardens Rules, 1st Amendment Auditor, Gunpowder Rebellion, War Crimes Funding, Global Hypocrisy, Alien Elements, Debt Slavery, Modernizing Insecurity, Identifying Fakes, Organeural Brainware, Rlog, BTWRLM555, 1st Amendment, Auditor, NYPD, Global, Gunpowder, Shortage, NDAA 2024, Ukraine, Israel, Border Protection, US Invasion, Zionist, Friendly Fire, Hannibal Directive, U.S., Hypocrisy, China, Russia, Oldest, Mosque, Rubble, Breathing, Global Warming, Mysterious, Material, Asteroid, Bennu, Scientists Puzzled, Stockpiling, Gold, BRICS, Candidate, Default, Ethiopia, IMF, Loans, UK, Alternative, Visa, Mastercard, ECB, Crypto, Losses, West, 500-year Dominance, Americans, Food, Unemployment, EU, Sweeping, AI, Regulation, Microsoft, AI, News, Mess, Google AI, U.S., Moon, Photo, Fake, DeepMind, 700, New, Materials, Organoid, Living, Brain, Tissue, Powers, Cyber, Neural Network, Brainware, War ning

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 17, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jul 16, 2023

Cash King Or Token Serf, A Spike, Sound Of Freedom, Killing Field Funding, Wagner Group Ghost, Global Governance Gaold, Crypto Red Line, New Digital Rules, Push Back Or Die, Musk Mellon, Powder Keg, Rlog, BTWRLM533, Latin American, Emergency, Rare Disease, North African, Human Trafficking, Sound Of Freedom, Ukraine, Children Disappear, Europe, Spain, Counteroffensive, Shortcomings, Cluster Bums, Depleted, NATO, Malicious Poison, Stoltenberg, Kremlin, Putin, Wagner Group, Commanders, Prigozhin, Ghosts, US Banking System, Gold Rush, China, Russia, Global Governance, Reform, Yellen, Savaged, Disgusting Display, Goldman Sachs, India, Tata, Ripple Labs, SEC, XRP, Cryptocurrency, Crypto, SimpleX, Thumbs-Up, Emoji, Digital Ruble, Russia, Apple, Ban, Belarus, EU Digital ID, DHS Digital ID, Mass Censorship, Elon Musk, ESG, devil, “cisgender”, Ideology, Slur, Green Religion, xAI, Governance, Climate Change, Snow falls, Johannesburg, Hot Gulf, Heat Record, 1 Million Years, Hudson Valley, California, 1,000-year Rain Event

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jul 16, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 7, 2023

Monetary Mismanagement Coup, Right To Bear, Fear Of [Tax] God, Yellen Debt Threats, Resilient Dominoes, Bad Management Harder, Finance Oligopoly, Climate Casualties, Out In The Cold, Peace Breaks Out!, Brute Consequences, Sabotage When?, Glowing Future, Crypto Control, Deep Faking Musk, Rlog, BTWRLM523, Ban on guns, marijuana users, New Jersey’s, gun restrictions, Shotgun, Cartridges, Buckingham Palace, Gun-Toting, IRS, Fear of God, Yellen, Economic Weakness, Mass Unemployment, PacWest, Western Alliance, shares tumble, Federal Reserve, Blames Itself, Bad Management, SEC, disclosures, private funds, hedge funds, Finance Oligopoly, JPMorgan, Epstein, trafficking, Kenya, climate change, poor man’s problem, Global Warming, Freezing Rain, Dollar, Financial Terrorist, gradually abandoned, New United Nations, Mexico, USAID, Odessa Tragedy, derailed, sabotage, Chinese migrants, Nuclear Sensors, Ukraine, Scapegoat, Russia, FBI-led, nuclear training exercise, crypto, necessary evil, Twitter, Worldwide, Account Monetization, eToro, stocks, shadow ban policy, bans Sean Plunket, Annnd It’s Gone!, Elon Musk, fatal, Tesla, lawsuit, DeepFake, Defense, Gold

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 7, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 21, 2022.


Under Lying Causes, Distraction Effect, Burning Bodies, Botching Government, Mar-a-Lago Maelstrom, Communication Breakdown, Taxman ATF Cometh, New Green Scams, Rlog, BTWRLM487, Lockdown deaths, Griffith Park, Suicide, No Foul Play, Anne Heche, Jackie Walorski, Child Trafficking, State of Emergency, Governor Cooper, North Carolina, Religious Liberty, United Airlines, Coercing Employees, Fluoridation, FBI search, Raid, Trump, Florida, Mar-a-Lago, Coverup, Declassified, Spygate, Journalist Detained, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone, Intelligence Ties, Smear Merchants, Technocrat Takeover, United Nations, Censorship, Crypto, Tax Evaders, Modernization, ATF, Poison Pill, Bill Gates, Lobbied, Joe Manchin, Climate and Spending Bill, Economics in One Lesson, Ford Truck, Green Exploitation, Wind Droughts

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 21, 2022.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 17, 2022


Picking Your Poison, CRISPR Kids, Babies In Bathwater, Envenomation Confirmation, Bioweapon Crime Act, Biden pHarma, False Proofs, DoD Attack Sequence, The KoViD Cover, West Dying To Support Fascism, Forging DebtChains, US Plunder, Rlog, BTWRLM469, CRISPR Babies, WATCH THE WATER, World Water Day, Veklury®, Remdesivir, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Venom, Honey Bees, Phospholipases, Ophirex, Wellcome Trust, WEF, Dr. Braun, Prof Francis Boyle, Fauci is Guilty, Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, FDA, Covid Breathalyzer, InspectIR, VOC metabolites, Lukashenko, Putin, World Bank, Royal Mint, UK NFT, Crypto, Worldcoin, Biometric Bribe, Cybersecurity, Russian Assets

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 17, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 20, 2022


America Is Next, I Witnessed A Murder, Self-evident Judicial Injustice, Trudeau Declares Treason, The People: Not In The National Interest, Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory, False Witness Killers, Rlog, BTWRLM461, Tulis v. Bill Lee, Trudeau, Freedom Convoy, Terrorist Financing, Crypto, Emergency Powers, Protest in Ottawa, Digital Crackdown, Convoy to DC 2022, Putin, Macron, Zelensky, Ukraine, Propaganda, Invasion, Russia, Patrick Lancaster, Journalist, Donetsk, NATO Expansion

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 20, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 2, 2022

Mouse That Scares Elephants, Austerity Index, Common Cold Covert-up, Heart Attack Readiness, Nothing To See Here, Veterans Pay Back, Info Friend or Foe?, Deceit By Any Name, Bed Fellows, Deeper Behind This Curtain, Digital Neo-Slavery, Rlog, BTWRLM454, Dollar Tree, Common Cold, Euthanasia, Non-whites, Obese, Readiness, Have No Record, New Jersey, Psyops, Astroturfing, BreadTube, TikTok, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset, Vatican, Liberation Theology, Ghislaine Maxwell, Canada, Volvo, Hackers, Crypto, Let’s Go Brandon, NASCAR

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 2, 2022