Tag: Death

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024

International Intrigues, It’s Called Summer, Petrodollar Crosses mBridge, Landmark Alliances, Kiev Thieves, War Lesson Learned, Massive Losses, Treason or Not?, Pentagon Covid Disinfo, Juneteenth Chattel Extortion, Rlog, BTWRLM582, Heat Dome, Temperatures, Petrodollar, Global Trade, mBridge, USD, Bitcoin, Gold, BIS, China, Central Bank, Digital Currency, Iran, Digital Rial, CBDC, Public, Pilot, Phase, North Korea, Russia, Landmark, Strategic, Partnership, Treaty, Putin, Vietnam, Historical, Friendship, Russian, Ships, Cuba, U.S., Medicine, Dose, Ukraine, Organized, Crime, Gold Mine, Troops, Fuel, Black Market, Public Opinion, Controlled, France, Top, General, 4D Chess, Fronts, West, Losing, Kiev, Regime, Tortured, US, Journalist, Death, Blinken, Resign, Deliberate, Accounting, Gimmicks, Support, Biden, War, DHS, Core Values, Mission, Democracy, Treason, Insurrection, United States, vs., Dalmacio Lagnason, Cramer, v. United, States, Pentagon, Secret, Disinfo, Campaign, Covid, Vaccine, Anti-Vax, Attack, Cybersecurity, Threats, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Promotion, Vaccines, Sudden, Infant, Deaths, SIDS, SADS, Sudden, Adult, Deaths, Evidence, Jubilee, Day, Juneteenth, Extortion, 42USC1981, Frederick Douglass, Not So, Honest Abe, Independence Day, Mental, Capture, Light, Chains, Modern, Plantation, Blockchain

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 28, 2024

Non-consent Of The Governed, Texas Border Battle, ICJ: Prevent Genocide, Brain-Dead or Brainless, Cheapening of Life, Refocus, Global Warming Deaths, Mentally Ill, Cash Crackdown, Global Digital ID, Behavior Intervention, DisMisinformation, Rlog, BTWRLM561, Mess With Texas, Second US Civil War, Division, Red, Blue, Color Revolution, Planned, Secession, Transition Integrity Project, Restoration, Not Separation, International Court of Justice, ICJ, Order, Israel, Prevent, Genocide, Gaza, Alzheimer’s, Breakthrough, ChatGPT, Pentagon, Congo, Lumumba, We Were Negroes, Western, Exploitation, Vladimir Lenin, Letter to American Workers, Soviet, Wage-slave, Blood, Donetsk, Civilians, Neo-Nazi, Refocus, Hamas, One-state, Solution, Brits, Froze, Death, Frigid, Ravage, US, Global Warming, Trudeau, Freezing, Civil Liberties, Violate, Canada, Charter, Mental Health, American, Democracy, Danger, Big Brother, Watching, EU, Crack Down, Cash, Refugees, German, Cash Rules, Mastercard, Region, Netherlands, Queen Maxima, Global, Digital ID, Systems, Financial Access, TSA, Digital, Push, Facial Recognition, Flaws, New Online, Censorship, Law, Jordan Peterson, Re-Education, Training, Social Media, You’ve Been Warned, BMJ, Behavioral, Interventions, CDC, Disinformation, Accurate, Articles, Pre-Bunking, Conspiracy Theories, Law Enforcement, Global Solution, False Content, Czech, World Economic Forum

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 28, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 21, 2024

Rise of the Worst, Gonzalo Lira Murder, CIA Vatican Nazifying, Free Speech Attacks, Stick & Stones Military, Public-Private Pathogens, Miltitary pHarmaceutical Complex, Departing, Food Fights, Civil Rights: Punish, Extort, Revenge, Rlog, BTWRLM560, State Dept, Death, American, Journalist, Bloodstained, Blinken, Idiot, Biden, Nuland, Dictator, Zelensky, Two Fates, Rafi Jabar, Russell Bentley, Alina Lipp, CIA, Nazifying, Ukraine, Since 1953, Vatican, Israel, Witch Hunts, Two Genders, One Speech, Elon Musk, X, Drugs, Politics, Graham Phillips, Black Day, UK, Kangaroo Court, Propagandist for Russia, Pentagon, Hunts, Embarrass, Generals, Spooked, Trump, US, Funds, New Bioweapons, Projects, Clinton, Soros, Rockefeller Foundations, Chinese Scientists, Mutant, Pangolin, Coronavirus, GX_P2V, 100% Fatal, Mice, Humans ACE2, Lab Leaks, Post-COVID, Heart Failure Pandemic, Sustainable, Pfizer, Profits, Cost Of Dying, Increase, Speaker Johnson, Facing, McCarthy, AfD MP, German Farmers, Up in Arms, Scholz, Israel, Sales, Lab-Grown Beef, Health Ministry, Civil Rights, Equal Rights, Punish, Extort, Revenge, YouTube, Ad-blocker

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 21, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 14, 2024

Boiling Frogs Theater, Guinea Pigs Я US, Guinea Pigs Я US, Total FailUreS, Whiplash, Swat, Swarm, Mammoth Implications, Wars And Rumors, Over Valuation, Long-suffering Brits, Haters Gonna Hate, Rlog, BTWRLM559, Triple-Threat, Pandemic, Nitrogen, Execution, Boiling Frog, 34 Trillion, National Debt, Arms Supplies, Israel, Violate, US Laws, Hunter Biden, Playing Games, Mace, Seizure, Russian Assets, US Government, Funding, Total, Failure, SEC, Hack, Bitcoin, Whiplash, Swatted, Swarmed, Herring, Deaths, Virgilio Aguilar Mendez, Teen, Immigrant, Language, Incompetent,St. Johns, Officer, Death, Habitable, Planets, Technique, Earthquake, Roosevelt Island, Mystery, Explosions, Mammoth, Tusk, North Dakota, Mine, Hamas, Leader, Killed, Beirut Blast, Gaza, War, Ecuador, TV, Crew, Hostage, Camera, Rolls, Swedes, Prepare For War, Ukraine, Politicians, Fight, Adani, Conglomerate, Over, Valuation, Trump, Global, Method, Pro-Western, Journalism, EU, Pressure, Prioritize, Brits High Court Graham Philips, Parliament, Sanctions, Defamation, Homeless, Surge, Rural, England, UK, Breweries, Bust, Face Recognition, 50m, Driving License, Holders, T-Mobile, Fines, Hate Speech, ADL, Hate Group, Defamation League, BanTheADL, Xtwitter

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 14, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 24, 2023

Amoral Immoral Moral, Warrantless Legislation, Synthetic Undead, Biological Experiments, Energy Web, Revolutionary Discovery, Killing Field Cover, Black Mass, Yemen Principle, Palestinian Cause, No Treason?, The Gaiacidal Re$et, Rlog, BTWRLM556, Missouri, Supreme Court, Strikes, Law, Homelessness, COVID, Mandates, Warrantless, Surveillance, Powers, Organoids, In The News, Cyber, Neural Network, Brain-Scale, Simulations, Human Cells, Living, Robots, DNA, Nanobots, Self-replicate, Jailbreak, Chatbots, Tesla, Whistleblower, Autopilot, Unsafe, Raytheon, DARPA, Wireless, Energy, Revolutionary, Discovery, Potatoes, Nanotech, Marvels, Bifidobacteria, Farmers, Berlin, IDF, Kills, Israelis, White Flag, Satanic, Black Mass, Gaza, Display, Iowa, Capitol, Argentinian, Protesters, ICC, Israel, War Crimes, Yemen, Stare Down, New Imperial Coalition, Pepe Escobar, Houthi, Malcolm X, Quagmire, Death, Despair, Biden, Threat, American, Troops, Ukraine, Politics, BRICS, Ditch, Dollar, SDR, Record, Debt, Developing, Countries, World Bank

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 24, 2023