Tag: Federal Reserve

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 26, 2024

In Your Hands, CoviSwindle Canards, No Government Help, Cyberian Slavery, Shortsightedness, Blockchain Bugbears, De-Dollarizing, Catastrophic Collapse, Politically Profitable, Rlog, BTWRLM578, 80 Charges, Dismissed, With Prejudice, Ian Smith, Gym Owner, CoviSwindle, NIH, Adviser, David Morens, Deleted COVID, Records, FOIA, Evasions, Fauci, UK, Army, Accurate, COVID, Malinformation, UK, Stock up, Food, Water, London, High Court, Assange, Challenge, Extradition, Belgium, Hungary, Vaccine Passport, Digital ID, Australian, Parliament, Visa, Customer, Data, Share, Retailers, Google, Conversation-Listening, Government, Speech, Scanning, OpenAI, Privacy Risks, Profile, People, AI, Risk, Team, Disbanded, Europol, Data Breach, Flaws, Anti-Encryption, US, Reconsidering, Russian, Diamond, Ban, MIT, Students, Exploit, ETH, Blockchain, SEC, Accelerate, ETF, House, Anti-CBDC, Digital Dollar, Federal Reserve, China, Treasury, Sell Off, World Bully, Sanctions, Vulnerable, Countries, Russian, Done, Generation, Seizes, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Assets, Retaliation, Froze, Transfer, Gitmo, Detainees, Political Prisoners, Profit-Generating, Woke, Brainwashing, US Military, Raisi, Copter, Crash

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 26, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 7, 2023

Monetary Mismanagement Coup, Right To Bear, Fear Of [Tax] God, Yellen Debt Threats, Resilient Dominoes, Bad Management Harder, Finance Oligopoly, Climate Casualties, Out In The Cold, Peace Breaks Out!, Brute Consequences, Sabotage When?, Glowing Future, Crypto Control, Deep Faking Musk, Rlog, BTWRLM523, Ban on guns, marijuana users, New Jersey’s, gun restrictions, Shotgun, Cartridges, Buckingham Palace, Gun-Toting, IRS, Fear of God, Yellen, Economic Weakness, Mass Unemployment, PacWest, Western Alliance, shares tumble, Federal Reserve, Blames Itself, Bad Management, SEC, disclosures, private funds, hedge funds, Finance Oligopoly, JPMorgan, Epstein, trafficking, Kenya, climate change, poor man’s problem, Global Warming, Freezing Rain, Dollar, Financial Terrorist, gradually abandoned, New United Nations, Mexico, USAID, Odessa Tragedy, derailed, sabotage, Chinese migrants, Nuclear Sensors, Ukraine, Scapegoat, Russia, FBI-led, nuclear training exercise, crypto, necessary evil, Twitter, Worldwide, Account Monetization, eToro, stocks, shadow ban policy, bans Sean Plunket, Annnd It’s Gone!, Elon Musk, fatal, Tesla, lawsuit, DeepFake, Defense, Gold

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 7, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 16, 2022

All Coming Together, Sound Minds Purge, Land Of Lie$, No Virus No Transmission, UNchecked Scienceless Harms, Cloaking Tyranny, Opposing WHO Treaty, SWIFT TransCryptomation, CryptoThing, Carbon Cool Kids, Kim Kardwhatdidshe?, Global Economic Criminal$, The Fed is Red, Energy Excu$e$, FBI Scandals, Pinpricks Of Blood, Rlog, BTWRLM494, Sound Minds, Purge, Alex Jones, $965 million, Pfizer Exec, never tested, prevent, transmissions, Travel Ban, No Scientific Basis, Males 18-39, Ladapo, DeSantis, millions killed, #ThereIsNoTest, #ThereIsNoTheVirus, SCRAP THE APP, ArriveCAN, Quarantine Camps, New York State, Manmade Pandemics, cryptocurrency, digital dollar, CBDC, TransCryptomation, Carbon Allowance, Economic Behavior, palm payments, SEC, Kim Kardashian, Securities, Bitcoin, Ether, IMF, Federal Reserve, Nobel Criminals, Ben Bernanke, The Fed, Bills Soar, Bombshell evidence, FBI scandal, FBI Lied, Baby DNA, Father, criminal Investigation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 16, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 2, 2022

Preposterous, FBI Ordered To, Cardboard Rights, Official Under-reach, Digital Unanonymity Planned, Global Censorship Sociopaths, Whiteout Blackout, Undue Gov Influence, Crosshairs On Germany, War At Home, Rlog, BTWRLM492, Seth Rich, Court Order, FOIA, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, Homeless, Mobility Scooter, ballot drop boxes, Pirate Site, 6G Radiation, Digital dollar, digital euro, unanonymous, Identifty Verified, Federal Reserve, pilot exercise, ESG, social credit score, digital ID, whipped cream, Global Censorship System, UC-Berkeley Ban, NSO Group, Germany, Nord Stream, NATO, Sabotage, CIA, Russia, Ukraine Annexation, War on Drugs, No Knock, Lies, Killing, Breonna Taylor, sophisticated malware, DenyingCashIsRacism

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct. 2, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 26, 2020.

BTWRLM367, Instead of Bloodshed, Flu Fearing, Tide Pod Generation, UV Groovy, Fact Fighting Faux Foe, Barr Injustice, Experimental Unconstitutionality, CoViD Criminal Cover, Economic Hitmen, Martial Law Of War, The Matrix Personified, Vaccine Related Harm, Lysol Begs, Disinfectant Comments, COVID-19 Killed, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, Newsom Noisomes, Stay-At-Home, Background Checks, Strictest Gun Controls, Biden, Do-Not-Resuscitate, Federal Reserve, Global Swap Lines, Liquidity Crisis, USD-Dependent Nations, Department of Defense, Law Of War Manual, Microsoft Bitcoin Mining, AT&T Bitcoin Subscriber Server, Decline A Vaccine, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – April 26, 2020.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – February 23, 2020.


BTWRLM358, Nothing More Than Feelings, RLM Fundathon, Fiction Or Fact, Self-Medicating Naturally, Getting At The Bottom, The Fed Fiat Cryptocurrency, Because SECURITY!, Population Control Gates, Wuhan-400, Dean Koontz, Eyes of Darkness, Electron Microscopy, HIV Battle?, Dr. Étienne de Harven, NHS staff, Racist or Sexist, Israel, Above The Law, Jaw-dropping Declaration, Knesset, Violate Sovereignty, Tail Wag Dog, Settlement Regulation Law, Dangerous Truth, Noahide Laws, Fed Chairman Powell, Federal Reserve, Government Cryptocurrency, Ethereum, Linux Kernel, Runtime Guard, Debian, Whonix, Qubes, Kicksecure, Intelligence Coup, Swiss Encryption Company, Bill Gates Foundation, Population Control Microchip, Facial Recognition, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – February 23, 2020.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – January 12, 2020.

BTWRLM353, Adding Injury To Insult, Updates, Pump The Dumps, Core Principles, Sanctuary or Second Amendment, Global Insults, Concentration Camp America, Fallen Infallibility, Access Austerity, A.I. Doppelganger, Space X Space Force Spying, NEPA, Critical Firefox 0-Day, Windows 7 End of Support, Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Misuse of “Antisemitism”, Second Amendment, Anti-gun Governors, Hot Mic, Iranian Revenge, Zipper Killing, Excessive Force, Police Orders, Comply & Die, Keeping The Faith, Tracking Students, Behavior Control, Testing And Standards, Parking Meters, Deepfake A.I., US Space Force, Starlink, Unmask US Citizens, Apple Secret Team, Satellites, Cops Secretly Record, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – January 12, 2020.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 31, 2019.

BTWRLM312, Psychotic Psynsationalism Or Psy-Op, Psychotic Performance Art, End The Fed, Set Up For The Take-Down, Aiding And Abetting An Occupier, Global Sustainable Terrorism, Vaccine Induced Gender Confusion, Harm Or Herd, MonSatan, Slayer, J&J, PurDIEe Pharma, University “Science” Fraud, Algorithmic Morality?, Alex Jones, Psychosis, Sandy Hook, Cannabis, Federal Reserve, Gold, Silver, Oregon, Trump Vindication, Mueller, US Taxpayers, Israeli, Laser Weapons, Security Council, Terror Financing, Live-virus Vaccines, MMR, Waterbag Abortions, Xarelto, Duke University, GMO Toxicity, Syngenta, Robot Judge

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 31, 2019.
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 24, 2019.

BTWRLM311, The Divine Right of Kakistocracy, Cannabis Banking Disjunctive, CBD, Stand For Legalized Lemonade, Aborting Fetal Parts Industry, Reflexive Lawlessness, Campus Coercion, Devils Blaming God, Manufactured DNA & Databases, Identity Risks, Medical Warfare, In Advance of Ignorance, Mandatory Harm, Oregon, Banking Alternative, Federal Reserve, Cannabis Industry, Texas, Lemonade Stands, Indiana, Aborted Baby Parts, Groundbreaking, Climate Change, Drilling Projects, Trump, Free Speech, Teachers Shot ‘Execution-style’, Sent by God, Save Israel, Mike Pompeo, Invade Iran, The Exodus, Iran’s Jews, Microsoft, Automated DNA, Rwanda, DNA Database, China, Xinjiang, Theft Due to FEMA, Maduro, Medical Supplies, UPS Vaccinations, Merck Lied, Vaccinegate

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 24, 2019.