Tag: Future

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 19, 2024

Global Identity Ecosystem, Fallible Unity, Off Limits, No Limits, Mind-reading Mind Control, The Endgame, Magic Eight Ball, Starve A Fever, YouTube Caught, Parents Fraught, Rlog, BTWRLM577, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, Vatican, Pledge, AI Development, Senate, Bill, FAA, Digital ID, Mobile Licenses, Facial Recognition, Biden, Cybersecurity, Digital Identity Ecosystem, EU, 2024, ID, Big Tech, Regulations, Paris, Olympics, QR Code, Hubble, Network, Bluetooth, Satellite, Android 15, Theft, Detection, Secret, App, Locker, Mind-reading, Technology, Transforms, Thoughts, Text, Mind Control, Meat Suit, De-Dollarization, Bombshell, BRICS+, Decentralized, Monetary, Ecosystem, Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister, Future, of, Tax, Administration, MMA, Star, Khabib, Accounts, Blocked, Jerome, Powell, Inflation, Higher, Than Anybody Expected, Covid, FLiRT, Variants, Russia, Class Action, Lawsuit, YouTube,Covid, Censorship, Canada, LGBTQ-inclusive, Reading, Required, Maryland, 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Not Enough, Evidence

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 19, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 17, 2024

Future “The They” Want, Digital ID Age, No Privacy Allowed, Sustainable Indenture Bytes, Grooming Global Youth, Peace Treaty Diplomacy, Lincolnized Law Enforcement, Hurricane Force Blowback, Rock Outcropping, Cosmic Confusion, Rlog, BTWRLM568, Big Tech, Coalition, Online, Age, Verification, Digital ID, SAT, Big Banks, Surveil, Purchases, VPNs, Gift Cards, Crowdsourcing, Russia, VPN, Block, TOR, Circumvent, Censorship, Fallacy, James Corbett, Stoneweapon, A2030, Grooming, Youth, Putin, Young, People, Ukraine, Bungled, Counteroffensive, Statehood, Jeopardy, Diplomacy, Dysfunctional, Victoria, Ne’er-do-well, Nuland, SIPA, Faculty, Future, Warmongers, Blast, FBI, Training, Facility, Targeting, Gaming, Platforms, Frozen, Russian Assets, Ukraine, Break, Global Financial System, Danone, Price Cap, Russian Oil, Not Working, Yellen, Bidenomics, Samsung, LG, SK, Suspend, Construction Projects, Israel, Palestinians, Humanitarian Islands, Zionista, Rock Outcropping, South China Sea, Oldest, Dead, Galaxy, Defying, Conventional, Understanding, How Dare You, Transgender, broadcaster, J.K. Rowling, Police, Age of Euphemism, Global Governmental Paranoia, Agenda 2030, Globalism

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 17, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 3, 2023

Governmental Non-Contextual Mindlessness, State Secrets Exposed, Election Gearing, We’re All Dead!, Animal Feed Snacks, Massive Digital Vulnerabilities, IDF Demons, Pandering Prostitutes, Sovereign Palestinian State, Self-Determination, Anti-Globalist Globalists, Awash In Debt, Rlog, BTWRLM553, Secretive, White House, Surveillance, Cops, Phone, Records, Seth Rich, Laptop, Release, Henry Kissinger, Dies, 100, War Criminal, CTI League, American Infrastructure, Whistle Blower, Shellenberger, Psychological Operation, Global Censorship, Mike Lindell, Vindication, Future, World, Order, Biden, Plant, Hardiness, Map, Perdue, Human Feed, Tyson,, Antibiotics, Protix, IMF, CBDC, Replace, Cash, Financial Inclusion, Autozone, MOVEit, Data Breach, SSN, Israeli, Intelligence, National, Biometric, Database, al-Shifa, Hospital, Congress, Disgrace, Netanyahu, Protecting, Hamas, Musk, Invitation, Palestine, 1967 Border, Sanctions, Russian, Gold, Oil, Argentina, Milei, Baudet, World, Debt Tsunami, Germany, Plumber of Power, Bundestag, Laughter, Scholz, Energy, Price, Breaks, Serious Crisis, Sustainable, Sewer, Rats, Green Transition, Green Death, Basic, Economics

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 3, 2023
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Humor Music News Podcast Archives Podcasts

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-10-30 – #BitChute #Demons #Spooky #Paranormal #Moriarty

Some of the stuff we talked about:

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-10-30 – #BitChute #Demons #Spooky #Paranormal #Moriarty
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-30 – #CondomShortage #Porn #Cashless #InvokingRights #Ayurveda

Today’s Show Topics:
° Global Condom Shortage Looms As Coronavirus Shuts Down Production
° The Future Of Work Looks Like Staying Out Of The Office
° Brains Of People Who Are Addicted To Their Smartphone Physically Change
° Man Awarded Over $150k After He Was Denied A License Plate That Read ‘IM GOD’
° Man Glad Science Has Finally Affirmed His Natural Instinct To Stay As Far Away From Other People As Possible
° Coronavirus Porn Is Going Viral on Pornhub
° WHO Urges People To Go ‘Cashless’ Because ‘Dirty Banknotes Can Spread The Virus’
° Court Tells Cop That A Person Invoking Their Rights Isn’t Suspicious Behavior
° Ayurveda: Benefits of Drinking from a Copper Vessel
° Baking Soda Can Remove Large Amounts Of Pesticide Residue From Fruits & Vegetables

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-30 – #CondomShortage #Porn #Cashless #InvokingRights #Ayurveda
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-16 – #Biometric #IntelligentLife #Trump #FastRadioBurst #Outbreak

Today’s Show Topics:
° The Biometric Threat
° Astronomers Want Public Funds For Intelligent Life Search
° Trump Threatens To Pull Federal Cannabis Protections
° How To Block The Chrome Software Reporter Tool (software_reporter_tool.exe)
° Fast Radio Burst: A Mysterious Deep Space FRB Is Sending Signals To Earth Every 16 Days
° China Tries 3,000-Year-Old Traditional Remedy On Virus Patients
° Nearly 10K Military Personnel From 110 Nations In Wuhan China Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak!
° Human Composting Could Be The Future Of Deathcare
° What Experts Have to Say About the Endocannabinoid System
° What Is The Endocannabinoid System And Anandamide?

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-16 – #Biometric #IntelligentLife #Trump #FastRadioBurst #Outbreak
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Liberty Music Podcast Archives Podcasts Science & Technology

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-04-26 – #KissingBug #LymeDisease #EarthDay #Amazon #UFO #Future

Some of the stuff we talked about:
° On Earth Day, Remembering the U.S. Military’s Toxic Legacy
° Expert in Noor trial says use of force was ‘excessive and objectively unreasonable’
° CDC warns of dangerous ‘Kissing Bug’ spreading into several states
° Lyme Disease
° GoFundMe for child thrown off MOA balcony reaches $1 million
° Salmonella Outbreak Reaches 10 States
° Earth Day: Not a Single Environmental Prediction of the Last 50 Years Has Come True
° Kids II recall ALL of their estimated 700,000 rocking sleepers after five infant deaths
° Dogs Branded ‘White Supremacist’ as Social Justice Warriors Seemingly Run Out of People to Call Racist
° A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously
° US Navy setting up guidelines for reporting UFO sightings
° Documentary film crew denies spooking walruses who fell to their deaths
° DNS over HTTPS is coming whether ISPs and governments like it or not
° Amazon to bring 1-day delivery to Prime members
° Internet Explorer security flaw allows hackers to steal files
° Researchers predict Matrix-style ‘internet of thoughts’ within next few decades

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-04-26 – #KissingBug #LymeDisease #EarthDay #Amazon #UFO #Future