Tag: Medicine

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024

International Intrigues, It’s Called Summer, Petrodollar Crosses mBridge, Landmark Alliances, Kiev Thieves, War Lesson Learned, Massive Losses, Treason or Not?, Pentagon Covid Disinfo, Juneteenth Chattel Extortion, Rlog, BTWRLM582, Heat Dome, Temperatures, Petrodollar, Global Trade, mBridge, USD, Bitcoin, Gold, BIS, China, Central Bank, Digital Currency, Iran, Digital Rial, CBDC, Public, Pilot, Phase, North Korea, Russia, Landmark, Strategic, Partnership, Treaty, Putin, Vietnam, Historical, Friendship, Russian, Ships, Cuba, U.S., Medicine, Dose, Ukraine, Organized, Crime, Gold Mine, Troops, Fuel, Black Market, Public Opinion, Controlled, France, Top, General, 4D Chess, Fronts, West, Losing, Kiev, Regime, Tortured, US, Journalist, Death, Blinken, Resign, Deliberate, Accounting, Gimmicks, Support, Biden, War, DHS, Core Values, Mission, Democracy, Treason, Insurrection, United States, vs., Dalmacio Lagnason, Cramer, v. United, States, Pentagon, Secret, Disinfo, Campaign, Covid, Vaccine, Anti-Vax, Attack, Cybersecurity, Threats, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Promotion, Vaccines, Sudden, Infant, Deaths, SIDS, SADS, Sudden, Adult, Deaths, Evidence, Jubilee, Day, Juneteenth, Extortion, 42USC1981, Frederick Douglass, Not So, Honest Abe, Independence Day, Mental, Capture, Light, Chains, Modern, Plantation, Blockchain

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 23, 2024
Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-04-17 – Episode 08 – Covid Spread, Socialized Medicine, Vaccine Problems


Vaccine shut downs
This just in: Fully Vaccinated person dies of Covid
Georgia J and J
Colorado J and J
California, Dodger Stadium – protesters
Merck vaccine failure
North Carolina adverse reactions
Improper handling
Moderna begins testing on children, Maddie’s story
Additional “boosters” needed?

Isolation only delays the eventual spread and hinders herd immunity
We all know not everyone is going to be vaccinated. People are concerned about vaccinations and rightly so. So, if let’s say, half of the population doesn’t get the so called vaccine, then they will have to acquire “immunity” through being infected.

If that is going to happen anyway, what are we waiting for? Clearly, continuing to keep people in isolation and wearing masks is only being done by politicians to keep the masses under control. To test the population’s resistance. …

Continue Reading Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-04-17 – Episode 08 – Covid Spread, Socialized Medicine, Vaccine Problems
Posted in Freedom News Podcast Archives Podcasts The Dork Table

The Dork Table Podcast Blog w Flash & GramZ – 2020-07-18 – Confront Judgment With Better Louder Judgment

Today’s Show Topic: “Confront Judgment With Better Louder Judgment”

Continue Reading The Dork Table Podcast Blog w Flash & GramZ – 2020-07-18 – Confront Judgment With Better Louder Judgment
Posted in Freedom News Podcast Archives Podcasts The Dork Table

The Dork Table Podcast Blog with Flash & GramZ – 2020-05-16 – If I Only Had A Brain Dead Population

Today’s Show Topics:

Continue Reading The Dork Table Podcast Blog with Flash & GramZ – 2020-05-16 – If I Only Had A Brain Dead Population
Posted in Freedom News Podcast Archives Podcasts The Dork Table

The Dork Table Podcast Blog with Flash & GramZ – 2020-01-11 – Blame Evil For All Your Bad Ideas


Today’s Show Topics:

“Blame Evil For All Your Bad Ideas”

  • Seven Things That Turned Out To Suck Ass
    • Time
    • Money
    • Politics
    • Religion
    • Medicine
    • Belief Systems
    • Energy Sources
  • Who Is Lying To You? – YouTube
  • “ALL is Mind” – The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational ­ And how to free yourself from them by Mastering your Mind; Self Mastery | Minds
  • Donate to RLM Radio: https://tinyurl.com/y8phqsoy
Continue Reading The Dork Table Podcast Blog with Flash & GramZ – 2020-01-11 – Blame Evil For All Your Bad Ideas