Tag: microsoft

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024

Infringement Has Remedy, Foreign Imposition, Form 4473, We’re All Abused, Unrealized Losses, Digital Fascisma, Technocrat Utopia, No Good Deed, Ultra Processing, Health Insecurities, Legal Criminals, Rlog, BTWRLM581, Democracy, Hypocrisy, Hunter, Verdict, ATF, Form 4473, National Instant Criminal Background Check, Presumption of Innocence, 2nd Amendment, Title 18, United States Code, The American Law Institute, Abused, Like, Donald Trump, Amazon, Execs, Personally, Liable, Prime, Sign-ups, Unrealized Losses, US, Banking System, FDIC, Brink, Insolvency, Speed, Cameras, Atlanta, Fraud, Extortion, Thousands, Californians, Lose, Jobs, Thanks, Newsom, PR Disaster, Microsoft, Total Recall, Hacker, Tool, Extracts, Data, Recall AI, Yellen, significant risks, AI, Finance, Hackers, Steal, $305M, DMM, Bitcoin, Crypto, Exchange, 3B, Personal Records, Stolen, Background, Check, Firm, Law, Student, Unfairly Disciplined, Breach, Blunder, Deny, Denounce, Delay,Ultra-processed, Foods, Battle, Google’s AI, Stupid, Feeds, Onion, Samsung, Independent, Repair, Shops, Share, Customer Data, Snitch, Disassemble, Private Phones, Britain, Tainted, Blood, Scandal, Killed, Thousands, HIV, Hepatitis, Circuit Court of Appeals, COVID-19, mRNA, Jab, NOT a Vaccine, Atlanta, Prosecutor, Jailed, Stealing, $15m, Covid, Funds, Australian, DNA, CONTAMINATION, Confirmed, Pfizer, Moderna, NOT safe, Humans

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 19, 2024

Global Identity Ecosystem, Fallible Unity, Off Limits, No Limits, Mind-reading Mind Control, The Endgame, Magic Eight Ball, Starve A Fever, YouTube Caught, Parents Fraught, Rlog, BTWRLM577, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, Vatican, Pledge, AI Development, Senate, Bill, FAA, Digital ID, Mobile Licenses, Facial Recognition, Biden, Cybersecurity, Digital Identity Ecosystem, EU, 2024, ID, Big Tech, Regulations, Paris, Olympics, QR Code, Hubble, Network, Bluetooth, Satellite, Android 15, Theft, Detection, Secret, App, Locker, Mind-reading, Technology, Transforms, Thoughts, Text, Mind Control, Meat Suit, De-Dollarization, Bombshell, BRICS+, Decentralized, Monetary, Ecosystem, Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister, Future, of, Tax, Administration, MMA, Star, Khabib, Accounts, Blocked, Jerome, Powell, Inflation, Higher, Than Anybody Expected, Covid, FLiRT, Variants, Russia, Class Action, Lawsuit, YouTube,Covid, Censorship, Canada, LGBTQ-inclusive, Reading, Required, Maryland, 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Not Enough, Evidence

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 19, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 17, 2023

Wardens Rules, 1st Amendment Auditor, Gunpowder Rebellion, War Crimes Funding, Global Hypocrisy, Alien Elements, Debt Slavery, Modernizing Insecurity, Identifying Fakes, Organeural Brainware, Rlog, BTWRLM555, 1st Amendment, Auditor, NYPD, Global, Gunpowder, Shortage, NDAA 2024, Ukraine, Israel, Border Protection, US Invasion, Zionist, Friendly Fire, Hannibal Directive, U.S., Hypocrisy, China, Russia, Oldest, Mosque, Rubble, Breathing, Global Warming, Mysterious, Material, Asteroid, Bennu, Scientists Puzzled, Stockpiling, Gold, BRICS, Candidate, Default, Ethiopia, IMF, Loans, UK, Alternative, Visa, Mastercard, ECB, Crypto, Losses, West, 500-year Dominance, Americans, Food, Unemployment, EU, Sweeping, AI, Regulation, Microsoft, AI, News, Mess, Google AI, U.S., Moon, Photo, Fake, DeepMind, 700, New, Materials, Organoid, Living, Brain, Tissue, Powers, Cyber, Neural Network, Brainware, War ning

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 17, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 4, 2023

New Global Realignment, Buy-in Beware, Climate Czar Criminal, Worthless Offsets, Stakeholder Corruptism, Insanity or Self Hate, Controlling Controls, UNanonymity, Run No Hide, Surveillance Assistants, AI Operator Whacked, Rlog, BTWRLM527, Buyer Beware, SanDisk, Extreme SSD, World, Precipice, John Kerry, Declares War, US Farmers, treason, Trust Breach, Climate Czar, Criminal, Climate Conman, WEF, Klaus Schwab, Chris Whitty, Finnish, Nuclear Plant, Prices Plunge, Jail white men, Jane Fonda, El Nino, Club Of Rome, Climate Hysteria, Global Governance, Secret, Bilderberg, 1954, Knights of Columbus, Under God, Pledge of Allegiance, Holy See, Behavioral Codes, Disinformation Experts, CBDC Rollouts, Samsung, Bank Of England, Fintech, Anonymity, Public Policy Problem, EARN Act, RESTRICT Act, Meta, Billion Dollar, EU fine, IRS, Secretly, Your Bank Records, Fair Share, Equal Rights, Extortion, Microsoft, Visa, CBDC Plot, Bluetooth, Android, tracking network, Neuralink, FDA, Human Trials, needless deaths, Animals, ChatGPT, Escape, Lawyer, legal sanctions, AI, ‘Killed’, Human Operator, Sound-bite stumping, Kennedy

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 4, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug. 23, 2020.


BTWRLM384You Save Yourself, Noisome Newsom, CDC Maskuerade, Checking Mandatory Prerogative, Stopping Sustainable Fraud, State Law Due Process, NZ Stay-At-Home Unlawful, Masks “Very Dangerous”, Your E-Gov Vulnerabilities, Community-Related Exposure, Virginians, Mandatory C0VID Vaccination, Involuntary Medical Quarantines, Massachusetts Students, T Cell Epitopes, Unexposed Humans, Long-term C0r0navirus, Robust T Cell, Immunity, Rep. Darren Bailey, remanded, Clay County, BAILEY v. PRITZKER, CITY OF CHICAGO v. MORALE, Right To Travel, Liberty, Due Process, New Zealand, Mandatory Quaяantine Camps, Sweden, Anders Tegnell, Chief Epidemiologist, Blockchain-Based, Secure-Voting, Microsoft, Zero Day, Pentagon, CIA, Expand Offensive, Cyber Operations, Blueleaks, FBI tracks Bitcoin, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug. 23, 2020.
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-05-11 – #Covid19 #EnslavementPlan #BillGates #Chemtrails #Farts

Today’s Show Topics:
° Akamai, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, and Google Join Internet Routing Security Effort
° Panopticon Rising: Covid19, And The Elite Enslavement Plan
° Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay At Home Orders
° COVID-19 A Tale of Coincidences
° Ookla 5G Map – Tracking 5G Network Rollouts Around the World
° An AI Can Read Words In Brain Signals – Eavesdropping
° Do You Trust This Man? Bill Gates Says Chemtrails Are Good For Us
° Pandemic Accelerating Robot Takeover, Fueling Unemployment Crisis
° Coronavirus Economy Plans Are Clear: No Return To Normal In 2020
° Doctor Says Coronavirus ‘Could Spread Through Farts’ – But Experts Think It’s ‘Unlikely’

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-05-11 – #Covid19 #EnslavementPlan #BillGates #Chemtrails #Farts
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – December 8, 2019.


BTWRLM348, Dying Inside, Legal Deception, Sovereign Wealth, Open Gov Crimes, Pretextual Limits, COPPA: Internet Pornification?, Global Biometric Program Rollout, Presumption Rebutted, Assange’s Life, British State, The Queen, Max Blumenthal, False Charges, Turkey, Iran, Gold-For-Gas, Asset Forfeiture, American Liberty, FORCED Internment, Homeless, National Security, CIA, FBI, Oregon Supreme Court, Pretextual Traffic Stops, OREGON v. MARIO ARREOLA-BOTELLO, YouTube, COPPA, 15 U.S. Code, 16 CFR Part 312, CHILDREN’S ONLINE PROTECTION, Mandatory Face Scans, Global National ID System, Microsoft, Palestinians, Age of AI, FDA bowed, Monsatan, Weed Resistance, Roundup, China,  Gene-edited Baby Experiment, Unintended Mutations, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – December 8, 2019.
Posted in Freedom Freeker's Ball Liberty Music Podcast Archives Podcasts Science & Technology

The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-09-27 – #Greta #GlobalWarming #Satanist #Joker #Vaccinated #AR15

Some Of The Stuff I Talked About:
° Are You Using Your Ayurveda Copper Water Vessel Correctly?
° Copper Stylish Bottle Joint Free with Ayurvedic benefited 100% Pure & Leak Proof Bottle
° Earliest Snow In Decades In Greta’s Sweden
° Survey: Majority of Young Voters Believe World Could End Within 15 Years
° Ore. woman accused of serving bean dip laced with meth to co-workers
° Federal prosecutors say a ‘Satanist’ soldier was plotting to overthrow the government
° US army warns of possible violence at Joker screenings
° Florida teen attacks grandparents after being denied more tomatoes at dinner
° How Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non-Vaccinated
° Vending Machines Almost As Deadly As AR-15s In Mass Shootings
° How Do You Lose Money Dealing Marijuana? Be a Government Agency.
° Microsoft Warns of a New Rare Fileless Malware Hijacking Windows Computers
° Learn How to Code in Python With Microsoft’s Free Classes

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-09-27 – #Greta #GlobalWarming #Satanist #Joker #Vaccinated #AR15
Posted in Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2019-09-02 – #FBI #Terrorist #PrivacyViolations #SexualEncounters #Trump

Today’s Show Topics:
° Parents Catch FBI In Plot To Force Mentally Ill Son To Be A Right Wing Terrorist
° Facebook to Pay $5 Billion Penalty for Privacy Violations
° Internet Explorer and Edge send the full URL of every page you visit to MS, plus your unique account ID
° Siri “Regularly” Listens In On Your Sexual Encounters, Apple Insists “Only For A Few Seconds”
° New bill would ban autoplay videos and endless scrolling
° Trump Calls for Linking New Gun Control Legislation to Immigration Reform
° The VR illusion that makes you think you have a spider’s body
° More than 500 communities opt out of recreational marijuana sales in Michigan
° Health expert renews call for study on nitrates in drinking water
° Florida mosquitoes are carrying a deadly BRAIN-INFECTING virus

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2019-09-02 – #FBI #Terrorist #PrivacyViolations #SexualEncounters #Trump
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 18, 2019.


BTWRLM332, How Screwed Are You?, Uncle Screwtape, Screwed Drivers, Living Deliverance, SCOTUS Precedent Declared Wrong, C.S. Lewis, Back in ’42, Microsoft, Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Electra Texas, Deliverance, Missouri, St. Louis, Katherine Anne Dierdorf, Ambry Nichole Schuessler, Michael Waller, Thomas A. Carroll, Pennsylvania, Civil Rights Act, Ku Klux Klan Act, Knick v. Township of Scott, Takings Clause, Fifth Amendment, Tucker Act, “Keeper of  the nation’s conscience”, “the People’s Court.”

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 18, 2019.