Tag: mRNA

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024

Infringement Has Remedy, Foreign Imposition, Form 4473, We’re All Abused, Unrealized Losses, Digital Fascisma, Technocrat Utopia, No Good Deed, Ultra Processing, Health Insecurities, Legal Criminals, Rlog, BTWRLM581, Democracy, Hypocrisy, Hunter, Verdict, ATF, Form 4473, National Instant Criminal Background Check, Presumption of Innocence, 2nd Amendment, Title 18, United States Code, The American Law Institute, Abused, Like, Donald Trump, Amazon, Execs, Personally, Liable, Prime, Sign-ups, Unrealized Losses, US, Banking System, FDIC, Brink, Insolvency, Speed, Cameras, Atlanta, Fraud, Extortion, Thousands, Californians, Lose, Jobs, Thanks, Newsom, PR Disaster, Microsoft, Total Recall, Hacker, Tool, Extracts, Data, Recall AI, Yellen, significant risks, AI, Finance, Hackers, Steal, $305M, DMM, Bitcoin, Crypto, Exchange, 3B, Personal Records, Stolen, Background, Check, Firm, Law, Student, Unfairly Disciplined, Breach, Blunder, Deny, Denounce, Delay,Ultra-processed, Foods, Battle, Google’s AI, Stupid, Feeds, Onion, Samsung, Independent, Repair, Shops, Share, Customer Data, Snitch, Disassemble, Private Phones, Britain, Tainted, Blood, Scandal, Killed, Thousands, HIV, Hepatitis, Circuit Court of Appeals, COVID-19, mRNA, Jab, NOT a Vaccine, Atlanta, Prosecutor, Jailed, Stealing, $15m, Covid, Funds, Australian, DNA, CONTAMINATION, Confirmed, Pfizer, Moderna, NOT safe, Humans

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 16, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 03, 2024

Trust And Confidence, Unfair Use Motivations, Cardiovascular Cannabis COVerID, Killing Us Slowly, Pushing Buttons, Undermining Credibility, Neo-Con Artist Warmongery, No Morality, In A Name, Rlog, BTWRLM566, WordPress, Tumblr, Sell, User Content, AI Companies, SEC, Investigation, Rumble, Cannabis, Cardiovascular, Vaccines, Injected, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Nitrogen, Execution, mRNA, Vaccines, Ready to Deploy, Julian Assange, Disinformation, Collaborations, Eroding Confidence, Government, Americans, Georgia, AG, Phone, Criminal, Florida, Lawless, makers, Social Media, Age Verification, Online ID, Warmonger-in-Chief, Lindsey Graham, Trump, MAGA, Crowd, Cheerleaderlings, Organic, Disconnection, Cognitive Napalm, Putin, Nuland, US Aid, Netherlands, Artillery Shells, Ukraine, Israel, Moral, Banckrupt, Seizure, Russian, Assets, Sovereign, Wealth, Russian Oil, US Ports, Sanctions, Obama, Daughter, Name

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 03, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 05, 2023

Masters Of Deception, American Desecration, Deterrence Assurance?, Cover Our Bottom, Global Identity Integration, Gov Crypto Control, Self-defense Wrong, Without Peace, Fake Until Make, False Equivalence, Genocide Approved, Ag Your Life, Population Management, Rlog, BTWRLM549, Robert E. Lee, Statue, Insult To The Nation, Bridgeport, Election, Overturned, Ballot Fraud, Ballot Harvesting, FTX, Bankman Fried, Wire Fraud, Conviction, Border Barrier, Texas, Immigration, State-Sponsored, Attack, Apple, COB, India, Personal Data, Leaked, Aadhaars, Palantir, UK, Sell, Health, Data, Link, SIM cards, Digital IDs, Digital Yuan, Internationalization, Full Throttle, Russia, ban, cryptocurrencies, Right to Self-Defense, Occupying Power, World War III, Started, Intertwined, Conflicts, Maidan Snipers, Myth, Coup, ADL, List of Extremists, Jewish Activist, Defamed, Yellow Stars, UN, Shameful, Netanyahu, Apologizes, Dangerous Political Animal, Strikes, Syria, Mass, Civilian, Casualties, Genocide, Acceptable, Crimes Against Humanity, Bolivia, Denunciation, Israel, MonSatan, Roundup, Epidemic, Chronic Kidney, Farm Animals, Health Crises, Tyson Foods, Partnership, Protix, Insects, Sustainable, Protein, Production, Eat Z Bugz, Boris Johnson, Kill The Elderly, Air Vaccine, No Needle, mRNA, Law Violation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 05, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct 08, 2023


Revenge Appropriations, Historic Ouster, Bleed Ukraine, The Losing Battle, Zio-Nazi Fail, Health Care Resistance, Moron This, Not Infallible Inquisitors, Uniworld Order, Trumping Right To Bear, Meat Grinder Massacre, Real Globalization, Big Data Deals, Rlog, BTWRLM545, Kevin McCarthy, Ousted, House Speaker, Historic Vote, Bleed Ukraine Dry, Problems Funding, White House, Western Idiots, World War III, Western, Worldwide, Pillage, Plunder, Nuclear War, Russian Shaman, Chervona Kalyna, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, NAZI, Netanyahu, Jews Spitting, Christian Pilgrims, Resistant Infections, Historic, Healthcare Walkout, Nobel Prize, mRNA, Morons, ThereIsNoVaxx, EU, Carbon, Border Tax, Canada, Import, Russian Goods, Vodka, Russell Brand, Geofence Warrants, Eyeball Scanning, Global Digital ID, Worldcoin, Social Welfare, Journalists, Government Spying, Regulate Streaming, Podcasts, World Bank, Claudia Sheinbaum, Nobel Laureate, Mexico, Mexican, Demon Doll, Trump, Federal, Gun Laws, Dishonest, Prosecutor, Right To Bear, North Korea, Ukraine, Money Laundering, Meat Grinder, Us, Troops, Russia, Slavic, Fraternal War, Zelensky, Hire ISIS, Beijing, Globalism, Nigeria, Cancels, CBDC, Privacy Laws, ChatGPT, Unrestricted, Unmoderated, US Army, Social Media, Monitoring, Crackdown

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct 08, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 18, 2023

Super Dupe Or Duper, Body Parts, Energy Conversion, Super-engineered Polio, AI Is AIrror, Anti-die Dye, Nullify The Conspiracies, Bat-A-Rat-Tat, Data Dare, Spycraft, Amazowned, Get A Warrant, Gender Dysphoria, CoviHysteria Is Back, Unequal Privilege, Troubling Waters, Rlog, BTWRLM529, Ivy League, Body Snatchers, Transplant, Method, Heart, lifesaving, surgery, El Nino, Satellite, Solar Power, Disruptive, Perovskite, Peridotite, Mantle, Engineered, Polio, AI Helps, Senile Diseases, Oleandrin, Toxic, Google Cloud, Mayo Clinic, Deadliest, Mushroom, Antidote, amanitin, cytotoxicity, Nullify, Conspiracies, WHO, #NullifyingTheCONsPiracy, Op #Hindsight2020, Pfizer Knew, mRNA, Sicken, Infants, New York City, Rats, Infected, CoviStrains, CoviSwindle, U.S. Military, Epidemic Intelligence Services, CDC, Global, Vaccine Passports, Live, Europe, Turkish residents, private data, leaked online, Global Cyberattack, Amazon, Smart Home, Dumb Idea, Border, Search, Cell Phone, Require, Warrant, Questions, Won’t Be Protected, First Amendment, Biden, disrespectful nudity, White House, trans influencer, Johns Hopkins, Psychiatrist Drop, TRUTH BOMB, Transgenderism, Insanity, Unvaccinated, Plague, Karine Jean-Pierre, Hatch Act, Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, Antisemitism, Defamation, RFK Jr, Hot Water, Frying Pan, Fire, Whitewashing, Nazi, Affiliation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jun 18, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 27, 2022

Global Financial Surveillance, Robo Killer, Global War Triggers, Freedom To Communicate, Digital ID To CBDC, Institutional Faith Antidote, Global Cyber Gulag, IHR Spoke Stick, Green Meets Reality, Crypto Carnage, Wheel Barrow Mystery, Digital Hostages, Rlog, BTWRLM500, SFPD, robots, kill, draft policy, global war, Protests online, Paralyzed, iPhones, brains, WeChat, Instagram glitch, suspended, Nigeria Microsoft, digital ID, New York Fed, digital dollar, Pivotal Moment, JPMorgan, DeFi, CBDC, Financial Surveillance, FDA, Ivermectin, Recommendation, Dose of Hope, Detox, mRNA, British, scanning Internet, Europol rules, Digital Vacuum Cleaner, India, TrustCor, G20, digital health certificate, German Energy, Demolish, Wind Turbines, Coal Mining, Bitcoind Mining, Core Scientific, crypto bankruptcy, Crypto Seizure, Winter, Power Cuts, Aggressive Discontent, Emergency Cash, Hyperinflation, Broken Payrolls, Unintended Consequences, Lagarde, Laundering, Immunity, ransomware, Mondelez, Zurich, NotPetya, insurance lawsuit, cybercrime insurance, Swiss, bail out, Cybercriminals, Australia, Institutional Faith

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 27, 2022
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 13, 2022

WMD: Depleted Ucranium, Spreading GMO Mosquitoes, AppEasing Restrictions, mRNA Worse Than Disease, Just Cold & Flu, Countering Extremism, Destroying Influence, Back Splatter, ZioWeapons Я U.S., Especially Dangerous Pathogens, Biden Bumbling?, Silence of The Lambs, ZioCon trol, Rlog, BTWRLM464, GMO Mosquitoes, Oxitec OX5034, California, Florida, MIT scientist, mRNA, Just Joking, Kamala Harris, Cell Damage, cold, flu, disinformation, hate, overthrow government, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Ukraine Crisis, Victoria Nuland, Biological Research Facilities, Israeli lobby, Rubio, chemical weapons, Dangerous Pathogens, Aramco, Hospital Bombing, Spreading GMO Skeeters

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 13, 2022
Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-06-12 – Episode 17 – No Bat To Human Transmission, Frozen In Time


RLM chat
Real Liberty Media Pimp
RC Rock Crawler Build Update
Property Clearing Drone Video

Vaccine and “smoke” – MRNA and Vapor – Moosegurl is right

Red Neck Moment of the Week RNMW

Another “Banned” topic that is proven to be True

Another Domino Falls – No Bats or Pangolins sold at wet markets during supposed animal to human jump
The University said its Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WILDCRU) happened to have been working with its China-based colleagues in gathering data collected from across Wuhan’s wet markets through May 2017 and November 2019 to study a different disease.

More Jab Problems
Federal authorities have received over 800 reports of heart inflammation in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine, a health official said Thursday.
The reports of myocarditis or pericarditis were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a passive reporting system run jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration, through May 31.
Most of the reports, 475, described myocarditis or pericarditis appearing in people ages 30 or younger.

Continue Reading Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-06-12 – Episode 17 – No Bat To Human Transmission, Frozen In Time
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb. 07, 2021.

BTWRLM408, The Crime For All Time, Importance of Habeas, P S A Toxic Baby food, Contrary Opinion Is Domestic Terrorism, Pay For Rights or Be Felons, Endless War Shifting Home, Too Healthy To Travel, Perpetual Planned Disease Death, Now Twice As Useless, Donation Month!, Habeas Corpus, Expect Torture, Toxic Heavy Metals, Biden, DHS, Status Quo, DHS Terror Alert Issued, CIA Counterterror Chief, Domestic Insurgents, Gun Control Bill, Felons Overnight, Saudi-led offensive, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nuclear War, Russia, China, PRE-DEPARTURE, Immunity Passports, American Airlines, mRNA, Experimental Injections, Medical Tyranny, TWO Masks, Dr. Anthony Fauci, No Double Mask Data, #PREDEPARTURE, #Felons0vernight, #ExpectT0rture, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb. 07, 2021.