Tag: Mrs. Pres. Elect

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov. 15, 2020.

BTWRLM396, Not The Minion The Invasion, Mrs. Pres. Elect, Cognitive Improvement, Coup Coup, Global Death Jab, DNA Transcribing Jabs, Microswimmer NanoSwitcheroo, CoViD Pregnancy Test, Legalizing Tyranny, Mitigation Madness, Brain Swab Leakage, Faster Financial Ruin, The Future We Want, Covidzilla, Siri, Palace Coup, Electors, Trial Halted, Brazil, Patient’s Death, UK PM, Bill Gates, Global Vaccine Program, Unpleasant Side Effects, DNA Vaccines, Star Trek, Microswimmer, NanoSwitch, Liverpool, Game Changer, Vitamin D, Whitmer, Michigan, Michiganders, Cooked Goose, Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak, Nasal Swab Testing, Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve Chair, Global Austerity, A2030, Central Bank Digital Currency, Rlog

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