Tag: Police

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024

Democracy The Weapon, BTW PSA, Failed Psych Evals, Fighting Systemic Cancer, Privacy Blunder Bonanza, pHarma Expert$, October Surprise, Carnival Mirror Reflections, Deadly Weapons, Hell-Bent, Hot War, Rlog, BTWRLM580, Play, #TagTheme, Internet, Archive, Wayback, Machine, DDoS, Cyber-attack, Smartphones, Brain Damage, New York, Ban, Sneaky, REAL ID, Domestic, Air Travel, DHS, TSA, Pittsburgh, Police, Candidates, Psychological, Evaluation, Fail, Weight-Loss, Fight, Cancers, NRA, Triumph, Free Speech, Battle, NY Regulator, Google, Privacy, Blunder, Sensitive, Data, Kids, Voices, Covid, Vaccines, Excess, Deaths, Bio-Weapon, Direct, Effect, NIH, Scientists, $710M, Royalties, Drug, Makers, Biden, October surprise, Russia, North Korea, Expired, Zelensky, Ukraine, Illegitimate, President, Escalate, Conflict, Brink, Nuclear War, Scary, Scott Ritter, Habeas Corpus, Trump, Our Democracy, Billionaire, Tycoon, Support, Tax, Increases, U.S., Three-Front, War, Can’t, Handle, One, Democracy, The Republic

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – June 9, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 12, 2024

Prevailing Adversity, Sound Money Moves, Attack Surfaces, Reasonable Measures Machinations, Panama Papers, Useful Illusions, Political Genocide, ZioDesperation, Rlog, BTWRLM576, Gold, Silver, Eliminate, Federal, Taxes, VPN, Traffic, Hack, AstraZeneca, Withdraws, Covid, Bio-Weapon, DHCP, Servers, Military, U.S, Global, Biolabs, Biodefense, Canard, Cancer, New Covid, pFear, pFizer, Car, Companies, Location, Data, Police, No, Warrant, FCC, Fines, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sharing, Location, Data, Supreme Court, Pornography, Texas, Block, Age, Children, Discrimination, Presumed, Guilt, Minor, Capacity, Competent, Majority, UnitedHealthcare, 1/3, US Citizens, Hacked, Panama Papers, Ramon Fonseca, Dies, Suddenly, CIA, Bradley Birkenfeld, Magic Phrase, Geopolitical, Games, Anti-Russian, Sanctions, Latvia, Soviet-Era, Trains, Ukrainians, God’s, Chosen, People, Zelensky, Pro-Jewish, Organization, Defamation, League, Truce, Hamas, Satanyahoo, Survival, Politics, Trash, Ceasefire, Israeli, Ammunition, Freeze, Shipments, Fingernail, Desperation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 12, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 28, 2024

Global Viral Piracy, Bird Flu Moo, Ferreting Weasel Words, Kent State Redux, Genocide For Votes, Florida Man, Thou Shalt Not, False Witness, Proper Court Order, House Of The Compromised, Rlog, BTWRLM574, Bird flu, Chemistry, Milk, Dairy Cows, Highly, Pathogenic, Avian, Influenza, Novel, H5N1, Weasel Words, Stella Assange, Julian Assange, Biden, Choose, Freedom, Democracy, Plot Twist, Snipers, Ohio, Indiana, University, Pro-Palestine, Protests, Radical, IDF, Sanctions, Psych, Human Rights, Violations, Placate, Voters, Dangers, Communism, Florida, Myopic, Trump Trial, Max Azzarello, Self-immolation, Fascist, Coup, Russian, Assets, Ukraine, U.S., House of Thieves, Confiscate, EU, Blow-back, Destroy, Global, Financial, System, Estonia, Demonacracy, Christian, Monasteries, Threatened, Minors, Exchanged, Families, Reunited, Ctrl-Z Divorce, Final, Police, Compel, Biometric, Device, Unlocking, Lenders, Leveraging, Africa, Resources, Debt, Asymmetrical, Exploitation, Xi Jinping, Military, Overhaul, Cognitive Warfare, US, Lawmakers, Fear, Framed, Kiddie Porn, Tucker Carlson

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 28, 2024
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 14, 2024

Clowns Crypto Carbon, Officially Clown World, Compromising Threats, Medical Refuseniks, Sickening World, Model Slavery, Non-Crime Spreech, Demonic or Disorder, Jetsons Or Just S.M.A.R.T., Techno-Gretacrats Disappointment, Rlog, BTWRLM572, Ukraine, Clowns, Military, Draft, Canada, Riot Gear, Automatic Weapons, Police, Trucker, Protest, Carbon Tax, DHS, Phone Tracking, Pause, Literally Anybody Else, Threatened, Elections, Commission, France, Fines, Medical, Appointments, CDC, Hidden, COVID-19, Injury, Reports, Police, Settle, Grievance, Claims, Vaccine, Refusals, African, Recall, Johnson & Johnson, Children’s Medicine, Toxic, Naturopath, Dr. Robert Morse, Ecuador, Jorge Glas, Mexican, Embassy, Bank, Implosion, Banks, Insolvent, Crypto, Primer, CBDC, Argentines, Queue, Eye Scans, BIS, AI, Monitor, Global, Bank Transactions, Roblox, Child Labor, A Gift, South Korea, Seizes, Tax Delinquents, Exchange, Scotland, Budget Cuts, Authoritarian, Speech Complaints, UK, Minor Speech Incidents, Traditional Crime, Spree, Ministry of Truth, Hawaii, Ethical, News, Sources, Rare disorder, Demonic, They Live, 3D Map, Dark Energy, Debate, Universe’s Future, Hubris, Russia, Space Exploration, Rosatom, Plasma, Rocket, Engine, Pulsed, Tokamac, Jetsons, Smart devices, Poor Investment, Plants, 30 per cent, greater, CO2

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 14, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 24, 2024

Global Demonacracy, WebTunnel, Cyber Social Contract, Beyond Bleak, Black Gold Poly Ticks, Pariah States, Cyber Panopticonacracy, Synthetic Novelty, Warrant Required, Global Religionism, Rlog, BTWRLM569, TOR, Curb, Censorship, World Bank, Verizon, Digital ID, Social Contract, Roku, Dispute Resolution, Rout, JPMorgan, Biometric, Payments, Africa, Banking Glitch, Poverty, Revolt, Canada, Gold, New Highs, Buying, Spree, Biden Administration, Gasoline-fueled, EV, Russia, Energy, Revenues, Global, Energy Market, Covid-19, Lockdowns, Cognitive Decline, Israel, Pariah’ State, US, Special Forces, One Mile, Chinese, Mainland, Strips, Citizenship, Disinformation, iPhones, World War III, CERN, South Korea, Scientists, Lab-Grown, Beef, Rice, Remove, HIV, Nanoplastics, Increase, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Polyethylene, Jabs, Police, IP, Warrant, Judgment, Lisbon Court of Appeal, HABEAS CORPUS, RT-PCR, Useless, I PRAY, I FEAR, Green Religion, Israelis, Palestinians, Non-dependant, What would Jesus do?

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 24, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 17, 2024

Future “The They” Want, Digital ID Age, No Privacy Allowed, Sustainable Indenture Bytes, Grooming Global Youth, Peace Treaty Diplomacy, Lincolnized Law Enforcement, Hurricane Force Blowback, Rock Outcropping, Cosmic Confusion, Rlog, BTWRLM568, Big Tech, Coalition, Online, Age, Verification, Digital ID, SAT, Big Banks, Surveil, Purchases, VPNs, Gift Cards, Crowdsourcing, Russia, VPN, Block, TOR, Circumvent, Censorship, Fallacy, James Corbett, Stoneweapon, A2030, Grooming, Youth, Putin, Young, People, Ukraine, Bungled, Counteroffensive, Statehood, Jeopardy, Diplomacy, Dysfunctional, Victoria, Ne’er-do-well, Nuland, SIPA, Faculty, Future, Warmongers, Blast, FBI, Training, Facility, Targeting, Gaming, Platforms, Frozen, Russian Assets, Ukraine, Break, Global Financial System, Danone, Price Cap, Russian Oil, Not Working, Yellen, Bidenomics, Samsung, LG, SK, Suspend, Construction Projects, Israel, Palestinians, Humanitarian Islands, Zionista, Rock Outcropping, South China Sea, Oldest, Dead, Galaxy, Defying, Conventional, Understanding, How Dare You, Transgender, broadcaster, J.K. Rowling, Police, Age of Euphemism, Global Governmental Paranoia, Agenda 2030, Globalism

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 17, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 11, 2024

License To Kill, Hog Tied InjustUs, No Accountability, Undue Influence, Iran Did It, MI6 Molfar Killabase, Putin Interview Event, Ne’er-do-well Nuland, Clear Russia Victory, US Striking Anti-ISIS, Sacred Security, Age Of Chaos, Serendipitous Ignorance, Predictive CoviCancer, Rlog, BTWRLM563, Hog-tying, Police, Policy, US Senate, Rejects, Human Rights, Report, Israel, 30 Hostages, Hamas, Confirmed, Dead, No Cause, MICIMATT, Party, Imran Khan, CIA, Trump, US Taxpayers, WEF, Powerful, Israeli Lobby, Blocking, US Withdrawal, Iranian targets, Molfar, Databse, Assassination, Tucker Carlson, Interview, Putin, Historic, Proposed Sanctions, EU, Not Yet, Zelensky, New Delusion, Nuland, Kiev, Bakery, Murders, ICJ, Russia, Victory, Proof, War on Terror, Sham, War With Iran, German, Military, Document, Countdown, World War III, Age of Chaos, Dwarf-Galaxy, Upending, Conventional, Wisdom, Predictive, Cancer, Cases, Set, Soar

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 11, 2024
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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 19, 2023

IMPERILLING THE WORLD, Safety Threats, Safety Threats, Constitutional Imperatives, Hypocrisy and Moral Bankruptcy, Perpetual Psychopathy, Diplomatic Disgrace, Debunk The Bunk, Global Financial Disasters, Rlog,
BTWRLM551, Eyedrop, Infection, Sec 702, Renew, Automakers, Intercept, Text Messages, “Police State”, Documentary, US Treasury Department, Intercepted Payment, Finnish, Court, Parliamentarian, “Hate Speech”, Bible Quote, Rumble, Right-Wing, Echo Chamber, Booty Patrol, Border Patrol, First-in-the-nation, Policy, Seattle, Police, Lying, Amtrak Ride, Senate Democrat, Coons, Mate’, McCarthy, Assaulting Colleague, Decorum, Western, Hypocrisy, Moral Bankruptcy, Ukraine, Gaza, Genocide, FBI, Blows Up, Dogs, Nord Stream, Bombing, Denier, Dump Zelensky, Nazi, Units, Fighting, Ukraine, Lawmaker, Camer-Wrong, Former UK PM, ‘Psychopath and War Criminal’, Paralyzing, UN Security Council, Xi, Credited, San Francisco, Homeless Cleanup, Netanyahu, Trudeau, Kills Children, Subterranean, Fortress, Gaza, Hospital, Israel, Built, No Hamas, Israeli, Top Secret, Nuclear Facilities, China, ICBC, USB, Trade, Ransom, Cyberattack, Terrorist Economy, Washington, World-wide, US, Credit Rating, Negative, Broken By Design, Madmen With Nukes

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Nov 19, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jul 30, 2023

Predicates Of War, Survival Instinct, Eye On You, Biden Division, Press And Religion Attacked, Global Bankers War, Embody The Imperfections, Predicates To War, Apartheid Pulse, Warning Signs, Rlog, BTWRLM535, Rescued, Australian, Sailor, Bella, Penguins, Dead, Lab-grown, Chicken, Taste, Police, Recording Law, Eyeball-Scanning, Global ID, Worldcoin, DEA, End-to-end, Encryption, Nintendo, Switch, Abducted Child, Cyber Trust Mark, IoT, Security, Biden, Ukraine, Gamble, Court, Torpedoes, Hunter, Plea Deal, New Charges, Elimination, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian strike, Russian reporters, Democracy, Ukraine, Rothschilds, Fantastic, Relationship, Investments, Africa, World Fate, Bidenomics, Dead End, Feeblenomics, IMF, Cryptocurrency, Warning, SBF, Campaign Finance Funds, Dismembered, In suitcase, Labor Market, Cooking, Books, Twitter, Blue, Bird Logo, New Restrictions, Town Squire, Lords, Peasant, Pay, China, Sovereignty, Taiwan, Persian Gulf, Iranians, US, Preparing For War, Israel Apartheid, South Africa, Apartheid, Pfizer, Tornado Damage, Permanent, Pandemic Agency

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jul 30, 2023