Tag: Retaliation

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 26, 2024

In Your Hands, CoviSwindle Canards, No Government Help, Cyberian Slavery, Shortsightedness, Blockchain Bugbears, De-Dollarizing, Catastrophic Collapse, Politically Profitable, Rlog, BTWRLM578, 80 Charges, Dismissed, With Prejudice, Ian Smith, Gym Owner, CoviSwindle, NIH, Adviser, David Morens, Deleted COVID, Records, FOIA, Evasions, Fauci, UK, Army, Accurate, COVID, Malinformation, UK, Stock up, Food, Water, London, High Court, Assange, Challenge, Extradition, Belgium, Hungary, Vaccine Passport, Digital ID, Australian, Parliament, Visa, Customer, Data, Share, Retailers, Google, Conversation-Listening, Government, Speech, Scanning, OpenAI, Privacy Risks, Profile, People, AI, Risk, Team, Disbanded, Europol, Data Breach, Flaws, Anti-Encryption, US, Reconsidering, Russian, Diamond, Ban, MIT, Students, Exploit, ETH, Blockchain, SEC, Accelerate, ETF, House, Anti-CBDC, Digital Dollar, Federal Reserve, China, Treasury, Sell Off, World Bully, Sanctions, Vulnerable, Countries, Russian, Done, Generation, Seizes, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Assets, Retaliation, Froze, Transfer, Gitmo, Detainees, Political Prisoners, Profit-Generating, Woke, Brainwashing, US Military, Raisi, Copter, Crash

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 26, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct 15, 2023

Gaza Genocide Blowback, al-Aqsa Flood, Embarrassment Revenge, UNapproved Eugenics, Rhetoric And Warmongerings, No Time For Peace, Parsing Politics, Rlog, BTWRLM546, Gaza Strip, Hamas, Duped, Israel, Incompetence, Excuse, Ron Paul, FLASHBACK, Mossad, Arafat, Lebanon, Retaliation, Doomsday Weapons, Women, Children, No Water, No Power, Genocide, UN Security Council, Useless, Palestinian Authority, Gates Foundation, Low-cost mRNA, Bioweapon, Africa, Western, Virtue Signaling, Europe, Grave Mistake, US, Peace Plan, Bust, EU, disinfo, threats, Iran, Nobel Peace Prize, Israel-Palestine, Escalation, Dutch, Prince Bernhard, Nazi Party, Membership, US Debt, Foreign Loans, 1775-1795, Tara Reade, Kennedy Jr, Illusion of Choice, Hamas Fighters, Detailed, Maps, Israeli Targets, $6 billion, Promise, Broken, Iran, Frozen Funds, CIA, Admits, 1953, Coup, Countered, Democracy, Disposable,
Regional, Schemes, Global, Culpability

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Oct 15, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 10, 2021.


BTWRLM404, Republic If You Can Keep It, The Neo-Monarchy, The Woman Beyond The Steps, Race Of Lawyers, A Place, District, Or, Casualty Causes, Electoral Certification Conundrum, Rabid Political Dogs, Fitting Punishment? Ashli Babbitt, Aristocracy Of Monied Corporations, DeathJab Demons, Supplemental DeathJab Info, Ashli Babbitt, Capitol Police, Benjamin Franklin, The Woman, Martial Law, Military jurisdiction, Military Necessity,  Retaliation, Avalon Project, General Orders No. 100, The Lieber Code, Missouri National Guard, DC National Guard, Electoral College Certification, Duck Dynasty, Chewbacca Bikini, Burning of Washington, Floor Brawl, Loeffler, Rand Paul, Democracy, Mob Rule, Clyburn, Electoral Integrity, Vote Harder, Pelosi’s Desk, Pelosi’s Lectern, fur hat and horns, Bison-clad Chief, Monied Corporations, Purge, Aristocracy, Medical Holomodor, Pulmonary Immunopathology, Stem Cells, Genetically Edited In The Body, HCG, WHO, Tetanus Vaks, Strain Gnats-Swallow Kamala, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan. 10, 2021.
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-01-06 – #Bushfires #Deliberate #Iran #Attack #Israel #SecretPact

Today’s Show Topics:
° Nearly 200 People Arrested Across Australia For Deliberately Starting Bushfires
° Iran Threatens To Attack The White House In ‘Crushing Retaliation’
° Pence Falsely Links Iranian General To 9/11 Attacks
° US And Israel Reportedly Sign Secret Pact To Take On Iran
° Weapons Makers Stocks Surge as US Risks War With Iran
° Mysterious Drones Flying Nighttime Patterns Over Northeast Colorado
° Self-Driving Pizza Delivery Now In California
° ‘Being Nice’ A ‘Tool Of White Supremacy,’ Female Racial Activists Warn
° Colleges Are Dropping Testing And Standards In Order To Create More ‘Diversity’
° What Do They Know? US And Russia Developing Plan To Deal With Incoming Asteroids

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-01-06 – #Bushfires #Deliberate #Iran #Attack #Israel #SecretPact