Tag: Silver

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 12, 2024

Prevailing Adversity, Sound Money Moves, Attack Surfaces, Reasonable Measures Machinations, Panama Papers, Useful Illusions, Political Genocide, ZioDesperation, Rlog, BTWRLM576, Gold, Silver, Eliminate, Federal, Taxes, VPN, Traffic, Hack, AstraZeneca, Withdraws, Covid, Bio-Weapon, DHCP, Servers, Military, U.S, Global, Biolabs, Biodefense, Canard, Cancer, New Covid, pFear, pFizer, Car, Companies, Location, Data, Police, No, Warrant, FCC, Fines, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sharing, Location, Data, Supreme Court, Pornography, Texas, Block, Age, Children, Discrimination, Presumed, Guilt, Minor, Capacity, Competent, Majority, UnitedHealthcare, 1/3, US Citizens, Hacked, Panama Papers, Ramon Fonseca, Dies, Suddenly, CIA, Bradley Birkenfeld, Magic Phrase, Geopolitical, Games, Anti-Russian, Sanctions, Latvia, Soviet-Era, Trains, Ukrainians, God’s, Chosen, People, Zelensky, Pro-Jewish, Organization, Defamation, League, Truce, Hamas, Satanyahoo, Survival, Politics, Trash, Ceasefire, Israeli, Ammunition, Freeze, Shipments, Fingernail, Desperation

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 12, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 31, 2023

Fend For Yourself, Gold Standard, Looking Out For You, Predicting Death, Man’s Best Friend, AI Location, Risky Migration, None Of The Above, Civil War Coverage, Culling Animals, Talk Or Action, Austerity Analogs, No Peace Prospects, Rlog, BTWRLM557, Gold, Silver, Money, SSH, Hack, Vulnerable, Choppers, Las Vegas, Nuclear Threat, Prescription, Records, Pharmacy, No Warrant, Humana, AI tool, 90% error, Deny Care, Hypochondria, Higher, Death Rates, Fearful, Serious Illness, Dog Owners, Less Likely, Develop, Dementia, Artificial intelligence, Geo-Location, Photo, X-rays, GM, Cruise, Robotaxi, Safety Investigation, Layoffs, Mass, Migration, Blueprints, US, Invasion, DHS, TSA, White House, Treason, Government, Continuity of Operations, Trump, Biden, Election, NOTA, Maine, Disqualify, Colorado, Trump, Election Interference, Michigan, Nikki Haley, Civil War, Slavery, Disenfranchised, 42USC1981, Extortion, Equal Rights, Hypocritical, West, Rules-Based Order, Zombie, Deer, disease, Humans, Israeli, Airstrike, Kills, Family, 76 Members, Anti-Zionist, Jews, Middle East, New Enemy, Crazy, Biden, Global Financial Crisis, Global Financial System, Washington, Nuclear, Breakthrough, Fusion, Elderly, Italian, Fights, Migrant, Robber, Milan, Fini

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec 31, 2023
Posted in Environment Freedom It's All Connected Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2021-02-01 – Old Age And Treachery Vs. Youth And Skill

Cirkel and I discussed and connected a variety of topics:

  • Old Age And Treachery Vs. Youth And SkillToday we got into the situation happening with the Reddit group, Wall Street Bets (https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/) and the Wall Street Short Sellers and Manipulators. We talked abut about #GameStop and #Silver and other Commodities.Cirkelo thinks that the new and young people will outsmart and out maneuver the Treacherous old Wallstreet gang.

    As an investor in Cyrptocurrency and Silver, I hope she is right. Those slimy old bastards have been at the game a very long time, but they have never seen anything like this.

    Physical Silver Premium To Paper Hits Record As Market Tears In Two | ZeroHedge

Continue Reading It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2021-02-01 – Old Age And Treachery Vs. Youth And Skill
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 31, 2019.

BTWRLM312, Psychotic Psynsationalism Or Psy-Op, Psychotic Performance Art, End The Fed, Set Up For The Take-Down, Aiding And Abetting An Occupier, Global Sustainable Terrorism, Vaccine Induced Gender Confusion, Harm Or Herd, MonSatan, Slayer, J&J, PurDIEe Pharma, University “Science” Fraud, Algorithmic Morality?, Alex Jones, Psychosis, Sandy Hook, Cannabis, Federal Reserve, Gold, Silver, Oregon, Trump Vindication, Mueller, US Taxpayers, Israeli, Laser Weapons, Security Council, Terror Financing, Live-virus Vaccines, MMR, Waterbag Abortions, Xarelto, Duke University, GMO Toxicity, Syngenta, Robot Judge

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 31, 2019.