Tag: Sovereign Wealth

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – December 8, 2019.


BTWRLM348, Dying Inside, Legal Deception, Sovereign Wealth, Open Gov Crimes, Pretextual Limits, COPPA: Internet Pornification?, Global Biometric Program Rollout, Presumption Rebutted, Assange’s Life, British State, The Queen, Max Blumenthal, False Charges, Turkey, Iran, Gold-For-Gas, Asset Forfeiture, American Liberty, FORCED Internment, Homeless, National Security, CIA, FBI, Oregon Supreme Court, Pretextual Traffic Stops, OREGON v. MARIO ARREOLA-BOTELLO, YouTube, COPPA, 15 U.S. Code, 16 CFR Part 312, CHILDREN’S ONLINE PROTECTION, Mandatory Face Scans, Global National ID System, Microsoft, Palestinians, Age of AI, FDA bowed, Monsatan, Weed Resistance, Roundup, China,  Gene-edited Baby Experiment, Unintended Mutations, Rlog

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