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Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-06-08 – Episode 16 – Forest Fires, Teen age Bear Push, Gain of Function


Red Neck Moment of the Week RNMW
Did you see that teenager push the momma bear off a fence in her back yard?

100 tons of fossil fuel is in each wind turbine, or used in the materials of a wind turbine.

Limiting access to energy, fossil fuels is a great way to kill off third world populations. Food and goods made in 1st world countries won’t make it to the third world countries, because there won’t be enough to go around.

Timber harvesting and forest fires – Oregon Fires of 2020

Update: Forced Labor in Clean Energy
China dominates the global supply chain for solar power and is the leading exporter of solar panels and critical components for making solar panels. For instance, about 95 percent of solar modules rely on one mineral — solar-grade polysilicon, and China produces 80 percent of the world supply of polysilicon.

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