Tag: SpyFears

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The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-01-17 – #Tello #Marijuana #NewMexico #TheEvilList #InformationWar

Some of the stuff I talked about:
° Tello.com – Cheap Mobile Phone Service
° Man Tells Police He Mixed His Mom’s Cremated Remains With Marijuana
° New Mexico Governor Calls For Marijuana Legalization In 2020
° Remarkable Marijuana Compound Found Superior To Mainstream Drugs For Alzheimer’s
° The Evil List: Which Tech Companies Are Doing The Most Harm?
° UK Company Creates Knives Without Tips as Crime Wave Soars to Decade High
° Flashback: Pentagon Just Pledged Millions to Pay Media Companies to Wage a Massive Information War
° US Navy Mulling Missiles Capable of Hitting Any Part of the Earth Within One Hour
° Major Floods Hit Iran After A Year’s Worth Of Rain In 3 Days, At Least 3 Dead And Over 20 000 Homeless
° US May Ground Civilian Drone Fleet Over China Spy Fears
° Cookies Track You Across the Internet. Google Plans To Phase Them Out

Continue Reading The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-01-17 – #Tello #Marijuana #NewMexico #TheEvilList #InformationWar