Tag: Study

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 7, 2024

Ship O’ State Course Corrections, Digital PSA, Medical Fodder, Absolute Immunity, Agency Deference Dethroned, Curbing Agency Theft, No Sid’n Rid’n With Bid’n, Rlog, BTWRLM584, Twins, Autism, Study, Improved, Dramatically, Toxic, Exposure, Vaccine, Environment, Merck, Misled, Gardasil, HPV, Vaccine trial, Dave Dentz, Ivermectin, Hospital, Attempted, Murder, 3 times, Chattanooga, BlueCross, Employee, Vaccine, Refusnik, Jury, Award, Supreme Court, Trump, Immunity, Justice Thomas, Jack Smith, Private Citizen, BBC, Assassination, Row, Satire, Executive, Expedience, MurderMemo, 2010 NDAA, Chevron, Deference, Dethroned, LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES, LNG, Export, Pause, Ban, Rejection, S.E.C., Administrative, Tribunals, Deep State, Biden, Social Media, Coercion, Case, MURTHY, SURGEON GENERAL, Covid-19, Standing, Due Process, Strict, Reading, Law

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 7, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 25, 2024

Safety And Security Illusions, Backtracking Missteps, Misinformation Misinformers, CoviSwindle Truths, Rebrandsaw PreJunking, Chippies To Chirpies, Clearly A Scandal, On Table Or Menu, Life And Death, Mantle Of Oracle, Chatbot Blunder, Eyeing Loyalty, Frozen Liquid, Rlog, BTWRLM565, Maine, Backtracks, Student, Fingerprints, IdentiMetrics, Biden, Missteps, War in Gaza, Cognitive Impairment, France, Regulate, Influencers, Covid, Vaccine, Study, Neurological, New Zealand, Database, Administrator, Whistleblower, Covid 19, Deaths, Hyperprogressive, Cancers, IgG4, Antibodies, Google, Prebunk, Ads, Quizzing, Viewers, Misinformation, Russia, Blacklist, YouTubers, Fishing Agreement, UK, Barrents Sea, Chippies, Chirpies, Navy, Trident II, Ballistic Missile, Dud, Rafah, Disgrace, ICJ, ICC, Compromised, State Department, Threatens, Congress, Censorship, West, Overly, Optimistic, Ukraine, NATO, War Of Lies, Musk, Nobel Peace Prize, XMail, Coming, Chatbot, Blunder, Air Canada, ChatGPT, Sora, Facial Recognition, New Zealand, Grocery, Stores, Eye-Ball, Scan, Worldcoin, Integrates, Reddit, Telegram, Digital ID, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, and Xbox, EU, Mass Surveillance, Water, Presence, Asteroid, First Time

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Feb 25, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sept 24, 2023

Comply Or Backlash, Decongestant Doesn’t, No Vaxx, Fallibility Climate, Press Hunted, The Ukraine Lie, Dangerous Green Proposal, Deepfake Threats, Protect $erve, Laughing Stock, Globalizing Along, Dangerous Fools, Rlog, BTWRLM543, Decongestant, Fail, FDA, Phenylephrine, Fentanyl, Heroin, Vaccine, Clinton Global Initiative, Climate Change, Pope, Green Religion, Rebuild, Ukraine, Haiti, Humanitarian, Front, Zelensky, Terror Team, Murder Squad, Journalists, Transgender, Hate Video, US Imperial, Death Cult, US Taxpayers, Green Proposal, Dangerous, Scientist, Left Out The Full Truth, Wildfire, Study, Deepfake, Threat, Vational Security, Billion Bank Accounts, India, Digital ID, Dead Indian, Limited Value, Attorneys, Twitter, PSYOP, Biden, Electric Tanks, Trump, Multipolarity, Climate Issues, G20, African Union, Permanent Member, Global Dichotomy, Ukraine Fatigue, Global Trade, Russia, SWIFT, Boneface, US Neo-Nazi, CIA Tool, Nuland, Slip, Blinken, Genocide, Rabbis

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sept 24, 2023
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 21, 2023

Crowning Catastrophe, Movements, Great Reset Warfare, ThereIsNoTheVirus, Systemic Divisiveness, Bare Arms, Nabka, History Being Made, 1 iFBI Treason, Glowing Fallout, iFBI Trust Breach, CIA Incredibility, Rlog,
BTWRLM525, Pandemic, Mobile Networks, Monitoring, Population, Movement, Smart, Toilet Seat, Death, coma, conscious-like, brain activity, Brain dead, King Charles, Global Britain, Great Reset, Military-Style, Campaign,
Climate Change, Blackouts, Slash, Emissions, Natural Origin, Study, ThereIsNoTest, coronavirus, cross-immunity, Marvin Haberland, ThereIsNoTheVirus, Court Victory, Violent Malaria, Kenya, Obomba, AI, World War 3,
Supercharge, China-USA, Conflict, Kissinger, Serbia disarms, assault weapons, ban, Illinois, Assault Bat, Nakba, Britain, Secret, Palestine memos, Zionists, poison wells, Ben-Gurion, Bashar al-Assad, Arab League summit,
Making History, Durham Report, Treason, FBI, Clinton, Kevin McCarthy, Removing, Serial Liar, Adam Schiff, Marjorie Taylor Greene, impeachment articles, President Biden, Unjustified, Searches Of Americans, Insufficient
Justification, Defang and defund, Deep State Corruption, Unspoken Warning, CIA, Sow, Global Chaos, Theft, 30-Ton, Explosive Chemicals, California, Wyoming, Accountability, 2 iFBI Trust Breach

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – May 21, 2023