Tag: Whooping-Cough

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – March 3, 2019.

Did I Fail Because, Illegal Migration, Homeless Champion Dies, Pesticide Prevalence, Mandatory Smandatory, Limit To Gov Theft, Legalization Is Not Free, Infectious Vaccinated Herd, Feverish Enforcement, Government Pimps, You Will Behave, Registration Is Confiscation, The Walls [and IoT] Have Ears And Eyes, Condemned In Silence, Gender Non-genderism, Arnold Abbott, Assad, Syrian, US Proxy War, Refugees, Mandatory DUI, Unconstitutional, Asset Forfeiture, Whooping Cough, Children Kidnapped, Child Sex Trafficking, Aborted Baby Parts, Planned Parenthood, Humanized Mice, Nanoparticle injections, Night Vision, Behavior Risk Database, Universal Background Checks, Surveillance State, China, Google, Apple, Amazon, Refusing to Recite Pledge of Allegiance, California, All-male Boards, BTWRLM308

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