RLM News – August 2nd, 2011

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The End of the American Republic has been Achieved by the global corporatists, Ron Paul sounds the Alarm on Super-Congress – however, it’s too late, Italian Parliament approves burqa ban as they go bankrupt, U.S. Borrowing to surge with new debt increase, The Debt Crisis was a Trojan Horse.

The Video recording of the show is at the bottom of the post.

These are the links from the information shared on the Real Liberty Media News on
Channel 1 – August 2nd, 2011.

Eric Clapton – Last Fair Deal Gone Down (video)

Ron Paul Sounds Alarm on “Disturbing” Super Congress

Super Congress: the final nail in the coffin of representative democracy and freedom as we know it

Italian parliament commission approves burqa ban

US borrowing to surge after debt cap raised

The Debt Crisis Is A Trojan Horse To Cause The Fall of America

Video streaming by Ustream

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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