RLM News Show Blog – November 14, 2012

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – 2012-11-14

Israel calls up reservists, gets ready for Gaza invasion
Israel calls up reservists, gets ready for Gaza invasion

Israel calls up reservists, gets ready for Gaza invasion

Hamas says that it is now in a state of “open war” indefinitely with Israel after the killing of the Hamas commander Ahmed Jabari by an Israeli airstrike – READ MORE http://on.rt.com/nssjyv

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Aimee Allen Brings The Fire With The Interrupters In ‘Liberty’
Aimee Allen Brings The Fire With The Interrupters In ‘Liberty’

All 50 States Have Active Petitions To Secede From The United States

White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation

Liberty – The Interrupters (Aimee Allen)

We are The Interrupters. Debut Album out early 2013 on Hellcat Records.

Drones in the sky
Government lies
Keeping an eye out
Tell me why they violate rights
Blue and red lights
Billyclub fights on my street at night

Where did my liberty go?
Now they’re taking over and they got complete control
Where did my liberty go?

Poverty’s high
Barely get by
They want you to suffer before you die
There’s no movin’ up
Too many mouths to feed
Take all they want from the ones who need

Better quiet down
Don’t speak your mind
Nod your head like everything’s fine
Don’t verbalize it
Cause if they hear you
They’ll hunt you down and disappear you

They took it away, they got complete control
Where did my liberty go?

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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