RLM News Show Blog – December 24, 2012

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – 2012-12-24

First label everyone with a mental disorder, then use that to take their guns
First label everyone with a mental disorder, then use that to take their guns

Gun Control = Gun Violence

A few thoughts about the shootings in Connecticut and Aurora, and why the compassionate, caring calls for “gun control” are insane, immoral and destructive.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Netanyahu vows to continue illegal settlement activity
Netanyahu vows to continue illegal settlement activity

The Turning Point – Full Film

Press For Truth Presents: The Turning Point
You have been selected to attend the 60th Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31 – June 3, 2012. This conference brings together leaders of business, economics, media, finance, politics and military in a forum which will allow for open and off the record discussions of current events and global issues. I must stress that this meeting is SECRET and by invitation only. We operate under Chatham House Rules, meaning you are not permitted to discuss anything that is said during the conference to members of the media or otherwise. Please keep all of your arrangements confidential, including all of the information included herein. In recent years we have lost much of our control over the dissemination of information due to the rise of independent media sources and internet-based journalists. We intend to correct this problem and plan to discuss it at this year’s conference.

The Turning Point – A Press For Truth Production
Produced and written by:
Steven Davies, Bryan Law and Dan Dicks
Edited by Steven Davies and Bryan Law
Music by Dan Dicks

Obama: The Rothschild’s Choice For President

“Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Jewish President.”
— Abner Mikva (Jew) Former White House Counsel,
Clinton Administration
(Chicago Tribune, Dec. 12, 2008)
“The man Rothschild chooses that man will become President of the United States,” Texe Marrs was told by an insider. So, who was Rothschild’s Choice in 2008? The answer is obvious: Barack Hussein Obama!

The fourth Baron de Rothschild, Lord Jacob Rothschild of Great Britain, has been called the 21st Century’s “King of Israel.” He and other Rothschilds preside over the planet’s greatest banking cartel, and Wall Street firms Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, and others bow to Rothschild dictates. Politicians in world capitals, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, and Tokyo grovel before their awesome power.

Rothschild’s Choice documents the astonishing rise of a young, half blood “Prince” of Jerusalem, a Communist adept named Barack Obama who won Rothschilds’ favor and was rewarded for his slavish devotion to their sinister Agenda.

Here are the revelations that dissolve the mystery of Obama’s meteoric, virtually unheralded rise to global prominence and his elevation to the highest seat of superpower government the White House.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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