RLM News Show Podcast Blog – October 25 2013

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Reality Vs Propaganda Quotes by Charles Hugh Smith
“Would we as a nation be better off dealing with the truth rather than believing fantasies that prop up the Status Quo and the Fed’s dearly beloved measure of the economy, the stock market? How often does accepting illusion help us navigate real life? Short answer: never.”
Charles Hugh Smith

“One of the dirty little secrets of the stock market rally is that the rising corporate profits that powered it are largely phantom profits. They are artifacts of currency devaluation, not an increase in efficiency or production of goods and services.”
Charles Hugh Smith

“So now that the illusion of infinite growth is being exposed, the corresponding ballooning entitlements that enticed the larger public to become complicit in the illusion are becoming unglued.”
Charles Hugh Smith

“The problems of the global economy are not based in perception, but in the reality of prices, balance sheets and income statements, vast concentrations of wealth and power, precarious systemic imbalances, ruthless exploitation, and command economies mismanaged by Central State/Bank policy and manipulation.”
Charles Hugh Smith

“The human mind has a superglue-like quality: Once a viewpoint has been plucked from the swirling chaos of beliefs and explanations, then the mind quickly solidifies that view, resisting any future modification.”
Charles Hugh Smith

“Humans are wired to feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and contingency, and so we gravitate to a position after a short time even if we have no new information.”
Charles Hugh Smith

“The notion that better engineering can solve all our problems is rooted in an ignorance of non-linear systems and selective/wishful thinking.”
Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith Books

These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – October 25, 2013


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Stop Watching Us: The Video

StopWatching.us is a coalition of more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across the political spectrum. Join the movement at https://rally.stopwatching.us. This video harnesses the voices of celebrities, activists, legal experts, and other prominent figures in speaking out against mass surveillance by the NSA. Please share widely to help us spread the message that we will not stand for the dragnet surveillance of our communications.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

NSA Blackmailing Obama? | Interview with Whistleblower Russ Tice

Published on Jul 9, 2013
Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal is only scratches the surface of a massive surveillance apparatus, citing specific targets the he saw spying orders for including former senators Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.

White House Thrilled With Record Number Of People Who Thought They Signed Up For Healthcare

Obama announces the start of the annual D.C. Spooktacular, a weird man begins every morning by dousing his naked body in water, and a 5-year-old reluctantly lets his crying mother sleep in his bed again.

Permission to reprint or republish this post in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a link back to this post is given.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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