Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – January 12, 2014.

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At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

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Here are the Links from this broadcast:

Natural Intuition Natural Events

How Immense is this Call?

  • Cuba earthquake sways buildings in Florida Keys 

    Even seasoned scientists were surprised by a rare 5.1-magnitude earthquake that struck Thursday afternoon off the northern coast of Cuba, rattling residents on both sides of the Florida Straits.

    “There is no question that it is unusual where it hit,” said Timothy Dixon, a University of South Florida geophysics professor and earthquake expert. “I have no clue why this earthquake happened.”

  • Quake off Cuba shudders folks from Keys to Orlando A rare but moderate earthquake off the Cuban coast shook buildings and rattled residents from the Keys to Orlando on Thursday afternoon. “It was frightening,” said Sheila Cullen, who was working on the third floor of Key West’s Custom House when the quake shook the building, which dates to 1891. “You could feel the Custom House moving.”
  • Florida residents startled by Cuba earthquake The last time a quake shook Key West was 1880 when two struck Cuba.
    Florida Keys News offered these facts about the earthquake:
    • There is no tsunami threat, according to scientists.
    • It occurred at 3:57 p.m. about 110 miles southeast of Key West; about 10 miles north, offshore of Cuba.
    • It occurred about 12 miles below the ocean floor.
    • There were no buildings damaged or serious injuries reported.
    • This is the first quake in this specific area that scientists have on record.

Magnetic Solar Slinky

Denying Reality Restores Reality
Denying Michael MANN-made Global Warming

Anti-Alternative Media Horror Hype
Now It’s Not From FukUshima!

Conforming To Criticism Last Week

  • 1400% Radiation Hot Spot Found on San Francisco Beach  Following reports of abnormally high radiation readings on a beach in San Francisco, experts have discovered radiation hot spots measuring 1,400 per cent above normal background levels, although they are keen to stress there is no link to Fukushima.
  • After studying a dirt sample in a spectrum analyzer, the substance was found to contain radium and thorium, which are both naturally occurring radioactive elements. No evidence of cesium-137, the fissile material used in the Fukushima reactors, was discovered, leading Weiss to conclude that the radiation had no link to the nuclear plant in Japan.
  • After studying a dirt sample in a spectrum analyzer, the substance was found to contain radium and thorium, which are both naturally occurring radioactive elements.

FukUzilla Discovered?
Ah. No.

  • Conjoined whales wash up in Mexico

    The twins were found in the Ojo de Liebre lagoon in the northwestern state of Baja California Sur, which opens out into the Pacific Ocean.

    Footage released by Mexico’s National Natural Protected Areas Commission (CONANP) shows the twin whales, conjoined at the belly, washed up on a beach by the lagoon.

Real Threat To Prepare For

  • West Virginia chemical spill prompts state of emergency, water ban in 9 counties 
    West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin declared a state of emergency Thursday in several counties because of a chemical spill into the Elk River.
    The advisory was expanded at night to nine counties. The state of emergency includes West Virginia American Water customers in Boone, Cabell, Clay, Jackson, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Putnam, and Roane counties.
    The advisory follows a notice from the West Virginia American Water Company that its water supply had become contaminated.

What We Think Is That Ain’t So
The Drug Push
An Addiction That Bit-coin

  • Bitcoin: The Sexiest Non-Solution Of All Time?   The reality is, if a solution is dependent on a paradigm controlled by the corrupt system you are trying to change, it is no solution at all. Because of this, my focus has always been on methods that separate Americans from reliance on the system as much as possible.
  • Yahoo Virus Converts Millions Of Computers Into Bitcoin Mining Slaves 
  • According to the Guardian, the purpose of the most prevalent virus spread by the website was to convert the infected computers into Bitcoin mining slaves.
  •   The First Taste is Free [No link to promote a pusher]  Create My Free Wallet “My Wallet is a free online bitcoin wallet which you can use to make worldwide payments for free”
  • By 2015, cash could be looking like an endangered species

Legal Entity Immigrates Into Every Facet of Your Life

If The Reality You Observe Does Not Match Your Notion of Reality

Why? This Was Not a Crash. It Was a Water Landing.

Too Smart Too Be A Cop? Too Psychologically Stable to Be a Cop? Or Hallucinating Just Enough to Work For TSA?

Never Forget

Behind The Woodshed for that practical education & hard but necessary dose of reality.
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