Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – January 19, 2014.

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At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

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You Know You Live in an Occupied Terror-tory When. . . .

No Law, No Peace

What About Innocent Americans?

  • Obama promises Germans that US won’t wiretap them, Merkel  Obama said Saturday that he would not let revelations about U.S. intelligence work and surveillance damage ties with Germany, a day after outlining his plans to curb the government’s mass collection of phone records.
    In an attempt to reassure key U.S. allies, Obama spoke exclusively to German TV network ZDF, addressing Germans and their leader, Chancellor Angela Merkel.

More Evidence The War on Terror is a Fraud

  • TSA Granting Expedited Security Checks To Entire Lines Of Travelers  Chris Morran was naturally perplexed by the TSA’s implicit admission that its security theater was, in fact, security theater. After all, if whole lines can be declared “not terrorists,” then why all the shoeless jumping through hoops the other 99.99% of the time? He reached out to the TSA, which responded with this:
        “TSA also utilizes these lanes during certain times for other low-risk passengers who are identified through a real-time threat assessment process,” explained a TSA rep who then directed me to this page on what the agency calls “Managed Inclusion.”

Actually Gov War OF Terror

Rat’s Flea

Yes, It Means The Soviet Method of Central Control

  • Global Warming A Back Door To Socialism – And Now Even The UN Admits It  Power: As evidence discredits global warming, resistance to such facts by green elites reveals their real aim is bringing socialism in through the back door. But don’t take our word for it. Listen to the climate change boss at the U.N.
    Christiana Figueres, with the lumpy title of executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), came right out and said it: Democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. The really good model is communist China.

Not Here Yet: Proof FukUzilla Still on the Horizon, Expectantly.
The Pregnant Pause. . . . .

  • ‘Kelp Watch’ To Determine Extent Of Fukushima Radioactive Contamination  It is imperative that we monitor this coastal forest for any radioactive contaminants that will be arriving this year in the ocean currents from Fukushima disaster,” said Manley, an expert in marine algae and kelp.

    “I receive calls and emails weekly from concerned visitors and Californians about the effect of the Fukushima disaster on our California marine life,” he continued. “I tell them that the anticipated concentrations that will arrive are most likely very low but we have no data regarding its impact on our coastal ecosystem.

No Debate. Michael MANN-made Global Warming

  • Pattern in solar variability, their planetary origin and terrestrial impacts 
  • An alternative reality to Michael MANN-made Global Warming hockey stick-figures:
    We will soon be facing a new grand solar minimum, with Little Ice Age climatic conditions, #4, around 2030–2040, as during previous solar minima, #13, a mathematical model of the sunspot cycles indicating “a solar minimum and quiet Sun for the next 30 to 100yr” #12. 
  • Sources

Techno Wonders, Techno Curse

The Actual Occupying Forces: Taking Credit Where None is Due

  • Georgia cops buy taxi fare for man who walked 29 miles to court on frigid He totaled his car and he was living in a shelter in Atlanta. His wallet was empty. There was no money for a bus, certainly none for a cab. And that posed a significant problem.
    James was supposed to report to a court in Lilburn, Ga. to resolve a traffic citation – some 29 miles away.
    Failure to appear could have resulted in a warrant for his arrest. So James decided to do what needed to be done — he would walk.

Always Challenge Jurisdiction: Everywhere, Always

The Open Air Prison Being Exposed.
Rule O’ Law Trapping You With Status and Your Ignorance of Status.

  • 4th. Amendment is dead: Police can search motorists cellphones if they’ve been stopped for a traffic violation
    Drivers pulled over for minor traffic violations can have their cell phone searched, according to a recent federal ruling. A judge decided last week that Oklahoma City, Oklahoma police were in the right when they downloaded information off the mobile phone belonging to Noe Vergara Wuences who was pulled over on March 22, 2012 because the temporary paper license plate on his new car flapped a bit in the wind.
  • 18 U.S. Code § 31 – Definitions 
  • (6) Motor vehicle.— The term “motor vehicle” means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo.
  • (10) Used for commercial purposes.— The term “used for commercial purposes” means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit.
  • And That is the Rule O’ Law, not the Law

Presumed Suspect of Enemy Activity Under Rule ‘O Law?

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