RLM News Show Podcast Blog – March 19, 2014

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March 19, 2014

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Stratfor Founder Admits Ukraine Is U.S. Regime Change Puppet

Stratfor Founder Admits Ukraine Is U.S. Regime Change Puppet

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

More ‘Mysterious Snipers’ Responsible For Latest Ukraine Escalation?

The Perfect Economic Storm Is Now Forming And It Will Collapse The Economy — Episode 316

Report date: 3.17.2014
Cyprus has now extended the capital controls until the end of spring 2014. Real estate is imploding and many of the big investors are dumping their real estate holdings. The US government is now looking to change the definition of manufacturing to manipulate the data further. The US economy is now imploding on itself and the US government has setup the perfect economic storm which will collapse the economy. The Ukraine is now joining Russia, President Obama has modified the Ukrainian executive order and included sanctions on Russian and Ukrainian officials. The central bankers/US government captured the oil tanker which is Egyptian owned and seized the oil. Weapons are now being shipped to Iraq. Al-Qaida sounds a call for its terrorist followers to strike the United States and other Western nations with car bombs

3/18/2014 — UPDATE — Explosion at New Mexico base sends plume across MULTIPLE states

Published on Mar 18, 2014
Full post showing the whole event with screenshots, links, and .gif backdated NEXRAD RADAR feeds:

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