The Dork Table Podcast Blog – 2017-12-30

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The DORK Table had a DORK at the Controls Today! That DORK would be ME….. Grammy! (I was pushing Buttons Again!)
Hopefully, Grimnir will come to My Rescue…… but if not….. chalk it up to DORK!

From FlasherDork – Greetings fellow Dorks & Dorkettes, the anonymity of society has taken us to a new age where you can’t hate a nigger but you can hate a Jew, you can own property as long as you pay the extortion and if you want to marry a giraffe there is a group to protect you.

Welcome to 2018 home of the illusion! Nothing exists outside of your open eyes, just never speak about that.
The worlds problems are fictions and deceptions to keep you in the state of mind you are in.

Enjoy the future and all you give to it. Take care of yourself and there is nothing to fight or be afraid of.
A few dork thoughts for them who don’t give a fuck. Thanks for everything, you guys rock!


This is the podcast for The Dork Table Program that airs every Saturday at Noon Eastern Time with your hosts Grammy Mary and Flash

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