Reaching The End of The Road – 06-24-2018

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Due to a series of unfortunate set-backs along with, quite frankly, an unfortunate lack of listener interest, we regret to say that we’ve reached the end of the road on “The Road Less Traveled” at least for regular broadcasts. These circumstances are recognized only after great reflection with the final decision not easily made, however we believe it in the best interest of all involved.

Thanks to all who have given their unflagging support to GGsBoo and I during all the years of our weekly podcasts, thanks to the other hosts who have shared their knowledge and insights, thanks to Grammy Mary for maintaining the Spreaker account on which we’ve broadcast, and the most special thanks to Grimnir who, through his own efforts and expense, has provided this podcasting and archive venue. Please know that his efforts have contributed greatly to the sharing and saving of critically important information that would have otherwise never been seen or heard.

There is no word for “Goodbye” in Cherokee. Instead, we say “Donadagohvi” which means, “’til we meet again.” Good Luck and God’s Speed!


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Author: GaryL

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