In A perfect World Podcast Blog – 2018-12-11 – Stop or my Mom will shoot! – Flash and VinE

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Contrasting the Occupation

Stop or my Mom will shoot!

Flash and VinE

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Flash spoke to varying conditions while Contrasting the Occupation – VinE joins in the 2nd half of the 2nd hour.
Bruce Doucette, Schaeffer Cox and the court’s system of justice were among topics in discussion.
Bruce Doucette was convicted last March of 34 felony counts of racketeering, attempting to influence public servants,
filing false legal documents, tax evasion and retaliation against judges. In May he was sentenced to 38 years in prison.
Please use the resources in the above link to educate yourself and then take action to raise public awareness about the unjust incarceration of Schaeffer Cox.
Write to Schaeffer: Francis Schaeffer Cox 16179-006 FCI Terre Haute P.O. Box 33 Terre Haute, IN 47808. See website to order Schaeffer’s Book or donate.
The Lost Lyrics of Schaeffer Cox
U.S. District Chief Judge Patti B. Saris said a Massachusetts law banning secret recordings violates the First Amendment
when it comes to government employees, rejecting the state’s claims that officials need some space to be able to operate
without having to worry about being monitored.
‘James O’Keefe of Project Veritas called the ruling groundbreaking. “The impact of this win will ripple throughout the nation.
It will set historical precedent and keep citizen journalism alive in all fifty states.”‘ (AP)’ *1
Licensing Liberty Flash Somebody.
Licensing Liberty
It is unconstitutional for a state to tax people selling religious merchandise.
@loubais @VinE_RLM_RADIO
@RLM_Radio @BarMan_RLM @FreedomsNetwork
@PonderGander #Easley #Artunication #RadioWriting
DOJ Playbook:
✅Withhold Exculpatory Evidence
✅Allow False Testimony
✅Rinse & Repeat
Thanks @BehindaWoodshed
Flash is joined by VinE

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy

Tags: #Flash, #VinE, #PerfectWorld

Show Page: In A Perfect World with Flash – Considering Perspectives – Tuesdays at 1PM Eastern


This is the podcast for the “In A Perfect World” Show that airs every Tuesday at 1:00 PM eastern.


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