The Dork Table Podcast Blog – 2019-05-25 – Send Lawyers, Guns, Money and Warren Zevon

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The Dork Table with Flash & VinE
for those of us who don’t need therapy

Send Lawyers, Guns, Money and Warren Zevon

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Flash was joined by Vincent Easley II (VinE) today as the Dorks dorked along

Today’s Show Topics:

  • “Send Lawyers, Guns, Money and Warren Zevon”
  • The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (Its Not the Gluten)
  • VinE and Flash chatted about bad luck scams just for fun


#Flash, #Dorks, RealLibertyMedia, #Radio, #Opinions, #Freedom, #VinE, #Lawyres, #Guns, #Money, #WarrenZevon, #Wheat, #Toxic, #Gluten, #BadLuck, #Scams

The Dork Table | iHeartRadio

Spreaker Episode Link

This is the podcast for The Dork Table Program that airs every Saturday at Noon Eastern Time with your host Flash


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