Twenty Percent Off! Podcast Blog – 2019-05-02 – Endless anarchy awaits if you don’t do as you are told

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with Flash

Endless anarchy awaits
if you don’t do as you are told

20 Percent Off Logo
Tonight’s topic: “Endless anarchy awaits if you don’t do as you are told”

  • Is that a PITA in your pocket?
  • The Biggest lies about climate change and global warming debunked

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy


Is that a PITA in your pocket?

The Biggest lies about climate change and global warming debunked

#Flash, #TwentyPercentOff, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #PITA, #Pocket, #Lies, #ClimateChange, #GlobalWarming, #Debunked

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Twenty Percent Off! with Flash – Views on the News – Thursdays at 6:00 PM Eastern on

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Spreaker Podcast Link:
Spreaker Episode Link




This is the podcast for the “Twenty Percent Off!” Show that airs every Thursday at 2:00 PM eastern.


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