Power Hour with Prints & Poopster Podcast Blog – 2019-10-31 – EP8 – Tricky Times (Halloween Show)

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Unique perspectives On Cryptocurrency, World Events, Science and and Technology from two troubled misfits

Episode 8
Tricky Times (Halloween Show)

Power Hour - Sqaure
Back From Our 2 Weeks Off With Return Guest Rottensox (@rottenwheel on Twitter)

  • Topics
    • ISPs & Cable Companies in the United States
    • Apple, MacOS
    • Asshole Of The Week: Mark Zuckerberg
    • Social Media Echo Chambers, Human Products & Free Speech
    • Jack Dorsey Is Doing The Right Thing
    • Targeted Advertising
    • Cellphones, Computers, Microphones & Cameras
    • This Week’s Doomsday Asteroid
    • Fear as a Tool
    • Simulated Reality & Perfect Cubic Meters
    • Mr. Robot

Check out Jon Prints’ various musical calamities on http://www.soundcloud.com/imprints

Donate to Real Liberty Media – https://tinyurl.com/y8phqsoy

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy

#Prints, #Poopster, #PowerHour, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Rlog, #Rottensox, #ISP, #Cable, #UnitedStates, #Apple, #MacOS, #Asshole, #Zuckerberg, #SocialMedia, #FreeSpeech, #JackDorsey, #TargetedAdvertising, #Cellphones, #Computers, #Microphones, #Cameras, #Doomsday, #Asteroid, #Fear, #SimulatedReality, #MrRobot

Show Page:
The Power Hour with Poopster and Prints – Show Page | Real Liberty Media

Podcast Archive Page:
The Power Hour Podcast Archives | Real Liberty Media

BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/reallibertymedia/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/reallibertymedia

Spreaker Podcast Link:
Spreaker Episode Link


Follow Us:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nowherejon
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/reallibertymedia/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/reallibertymedia
Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/RealLibertyMedia
Spreaker.com Page: https://www.spreaker.com/show/poopster-and-prints-power-hour


This is the podcast for the “The Power Hour” Show, broadcasting LIVE  every Thursday at 11:00 PM eastern.


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Author: Prints

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