The Age of Fission Podcast Blog – 2020-01-15 – Karl Grossman Interviews Kevin Kamps – Beyond Nuclear

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Lonnie Clark

Karl Grossman Interviews Kevin Kamps – Beyond Nuclear

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Karl Grossman interviews Kevin Kamps, nuclear waste specialist from Beyond Nuclear.

The Threat of Nuclear Waste with Kevin Kamps ECU 641 – YouTube

They discuss the insanity of the plan by the Trump Administration to make the Texas, New Mexico border a Sacrifice Zone.

If we allow the Interim Storage Units (sounds so good, doesn’t it?) to be implemented, radioactive waste from around the country will be transported with minimal security on our roads, rivers and trains.

Please engage to stop this action. Go to and get involved. Visit


The Threat of Nuclear Waste with Kevin Kamps ECU 641 – YouTube

Beyond Nuclear – Home

Journalism Professor, Investigative Journalist | Sag Harbor, NY | Home

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Remember, Happiness IS Resistance and Love IS Greater Than Fear.

Lonnie Clark

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy!

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This is the podcast for the “The Age Of Fission” Show that airs every Wednesday at Noon eastern.


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Author: Lonnie Clark

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