Dropping a Coil Podcast Blog w Larry Woods Flash Robwerks – 2020-04-30 – State Of The Art Energy – Pt. 8

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Dropping a Coil
Larry Woods, 
Robwerks & Flash


State Of The Art Energy, Pt. 8

Dropping a Coil

Larry And Rob Continue The Process Of Making A Coil From Concept To Reality

Today’s Show Topics:

#Flash, #Robwerks, #LarryWoods, #RealLibertyMedia, #Radio, #Rlog, #Donate, #Show, #Chat, #Talk, #StateOfTheArt, #Energy, #Coils, #FlowState, #FESIG, #Pandemic, #GuidedMeditation, #VortexEngine, #Shortwave, #EMF, #FinishedProduct, #FishinReport, #Math, #SolomansTemple, #Topology, #TwistedTorus

Spreaker Episode Link

This is the podcast for The Dropping a Coil Program that airs every Thursday at 1:00 PM Eastern Time with your hosts Larry Woods, Robwerks & Flash


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