Dropping a Coil Podcast Blog w Larry Woods Flash Robwerks – 2020-06-11 – State Of The Art Energy – Pt. 14

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Dropping a Coil
Larry Woods, 
Robwerks & Flash


State Of The Art Energy, Pt. 14

Dropping a Coil

Larry And Rob Continue The Process Of Making A Coil From Concept To Reality

Today’s Show Topics:

  • “State Of The Art Energy, Pt. 14”
  • Larry Says Thanks Bitchute Listeners and Gives Us a Vortex Math Coil Update
  • Work Areas For The Picky Builder, No Metals Will Survive, Grounding Is Number One
  • Dirty Power Is More Expensive, An Earth Battery
  • Replacing The Common With Frequency, The Frequency “Sweet Spot”
  • Never Cross Your Wires and Tips On Going Off Grid
  • Larry Breaks Out The Formula Book and Adds Frequency and Magnetism
  • Electrons and Other Sparky Things, Where School Leaves Us Out Of The Knowledge Needed
  • Everything We See Is Basically The Same
  • Larry Faces Doubting Thomas, The Ether Is The Magnetic Field
  • Measuring Mass and Explaining It In Terms of Energy
  • Lets Talk About Gravity For a Minute
  • People Have Faults, Except Evan Who Introduce Larry To Old Math
  • Make a Quarter Wave Antenna
  • Robwerks Brings in The Big Guns From 1950’s, The Left Hand Rule and The Right Hand Rule Working Together
  • How To Beat patent Laws and Gaining Technology and Resources the Military Way
  • Religious Tips For The Beginner
  • Math Links Are Posted In Previous Shows
  • https://realliberty.org/feed

#Flash, #Robwerks, #LarryWoods, #RealLibertyMedia, #Radio, #Donate, #Show, #Chat, #Talk, #StateOfTheArt, #Energy, #Bitchute, #VortexMathCoil, #PickyBuilder, #Metals, #Grounding, #DirtyPower, #EarthBattery, #Frequency, #SweetSpot, #Wires, #OffGrid, #Magnetism, #Electrons, #SparkyThings, #School, #Knowledge, #DoubtingThomas, #Ether, #Magnetic, #MeasuringMass, #Gravity, #Faults, #OldMath, #QuarterWave, #Antenna, #BigGuns, #LeftHand, #RightHand, #Patent, Technology, #Military, #Religious

Spreaker Episode Link

This is the podcast for The Dropping a Coil Program that airs every Thursday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time with your hosts Larry Woods, Robwerks & Flash


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