It’s All Connected – 2020-06-29 – Pilot Episode – Random Thoughts And Brain Farts

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It’s All Connected
Podcast Blog

Pilot Episode
Random Thoughts And Brain Farts

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It’s All Connected – Episode 001

This was the Premier/Pilot Episode of the It’s All Connected Show.

Show Description:

This show will attempt to show you how everything is connected. The subject matter makes no difference, the connections are real and tangible. Grimnir will pick a starting point for the show’s discussion and draw verbal lines to the surrounding connections, and maybe those surrounding that. This show is an experimental project with no template to work from.

I spoke randomly and loosely about how everything connects to everything else. I spoke a little about the Fibonacci Spirals and Sequence as I see that underlying and overlaying the matrices that create or expose the connectedness of all things. I did attempt to bring some of today’s issues into the mix, however I was really unprepared to do so on this day.

I am still working on some elements of the show from both a behind the scenes and presentation perspective.
I hope you come back and listen to the show every Monday evening at 7:00 PM Eastern time.
I do believe that the show will take you into some deep dark places and on many enlightening journeys.

Thank You all for tuning in and listening to me.

The world is a crazy place. Let’s see if we can explore it together.

Anyway, just listen to podcast and enjoy.

Thanks Everyone!



#Grimnir, #AllConnected, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Premier, #Pilot, #Random, #Fibonacci, #Farts, #Spirals, #Sequence, #Matrices, #Enlightening, #Journey

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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