Dropping a Coil Podcast Blog w Larry Woods Flash Robwerks – 2020-07-16 – Don’t Worry, It Wont Catch On Fire

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Dropping a Coil
Larry Woods, 
Robwerks & Flash


Don’t Worry, It Wont Catch On Fire

Dropping a Coil

Larry And Rob Continue The Process Of Making A Coil From Concept To Reality

Today’s Show Topic – “Don’t Worry, It Wont Catch On Fire”

Items Discussed:

#Flash, #Robwerks, #LarryWoods, #RealLibertyMedia, #Radio, #Donate, #Show, #Chat, #Talk, #DontWorry, #CatchOnFire, #Schematic, #EarthGround, #FrameGround, #Potential, #Simple, #Coils, #Magnetics, #DarkMatter, #Circuits, #Vibration, #Frequency, #EddyCurrent, #HutchisonEffect, #Identification, #MEGProject, #MakingWeapons, #Choice

Spreaker Episode Link

This is the podcast for The Dropping a Coil Program that airs every Thursday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time with your hosts Larry Woods, Robwerks & Flash


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0 thoughts on “Dropping a Coil Podcast Blog w Larry Woods Flash Robwerks – 2020-07-16 – Don’t Worry, It Wont Catch On Fire

  1. I think revisiting the topic of “magnetic saturation” for the purpose of clarification would be appropriate. Think of a magnetically permeable material like a sponge holding water, it can only hold so much..
    Because there is a link posted about the MEG in the show notes, I wanted to share aboveunity.com with you guys. I would like to promulgate this technology, I haven’t got mine working yet, but the numbers of success are growing. I got to meet people involved with the MEG team when I was a kid, and it scrambled my young brain.. I never recovered…
    anyways.. good vibes- I really appreciate to hear from others who have an interest in these things.

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