In A Perfect World Podcast Blog w Flash & GramZ – 2020-07-28 – Begging for Vaccinations

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Philosophizing Freedom


Begging for Vaccinations

with Flash & GramZ

In a Perfect World - 800x800-3pm
Flash is joined by Grammy and they discuss things happening in the world today.

Tonight’s topic: “Begging for Vaccinations”



Listen to the Podcast and enjoy!

#Flash, #GramZ, #PerfectWorld, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Donate, #Rlog, #Talk, #Begging, #Vaccinations, #Mask, #Wiener, #Debaters, #Feeling, #LabRat, #Science, #Teacher, #Children, #Outsmarted, #Ourselves, #LittleGirl, #Candy, #Silence, #Golden, #Mom, #Home

BitChute Channel:

YouTube Channel:

Spreaker Episode Link

Show Page: In A Perfect World with Flash – Philosophizing Freedom – Tuesdays at 3:00 PM Eastern



This is the podcast for the “In A Perfect World” Show that airs every Tuesday at 3:00 PM eastern.


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