The Dork Table Podcast Blog w Flash & GramZ – 2020-08-08 – Everything We Know, Is Wrong! Part 6

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The Dork Table
with FlashSomebody
for those of us who don’t need therapy

Everything We Know, Is Wrong! Part 6

Dork Table 16x9 2:00 PM

Flash is joined by Robwerks & Larry Woods for A Discussion on a variety of topics.

Today’s Show Topic: “Everything We Know, Is Wrong! Part 6”

  • Try And Hurt My Feeling!
  • Danish Update
  • Speaking Of Norway
  • What Idiot Would Want To Be President?
  • Mary’ Mom Knows
  • Turn The Other Check
  • Weird Concepts
  • Memory Chats And Tales
  • Controlling Others
  • Old Concerts
  • Are You Free

Take a listen, I think you will enjoy it.

#Flash, #GramZ, #Dorks, #RealLibertyMedia, #Radio, #Rlog, #Donate, #Everything, #Wrong, #Danish, #Norway, #Idiot, #President, #Mom, #Check, #Weird, #Concepts, #Memory, #Chats, #Controlling, #Concerts, #Free

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This is the podcast for The Dork Table Program that airs every Saturday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time with your host Flash


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