Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-06-15 – Episode 18 – Trash, Dental Infection, Kip Kinkle

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Trash, Dental Infection, Kip Kinkle

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Redneck Dentist – Episode 18


RLM chat

Real Liberty Media Pimp

RC Rock Crawler Build Update

Local Land fill

Dental infection, hospitalized for 5 days

Suicide, shot twice in the back of the head, maybe?

Suicide attempts by teen girls spiked during COVID-19 pandemic: CDC

And for what reason?

Kip Kinkle (HuffPo)

After remaining silent for decades (he’d refused all previous interview requests, saying he didn’t want to further traumatize his victims and survivors), Kinkel told the Huffington Post that he now feels an obligation to speak out because of how his case affects juvenile justice reform.

Reformers want to end the practice, but opponents fear those efforts could result in offenders, like Kinkel, being freed.

“I don’t allow myself to spend too much time thinking about that because I think that can actually bring more suffering,” he said.

More On Forced Organ Harvesting in China

A dozen human rights experts affiliated with the United Nations on Monday expressed shock and dismay at what they said were credible allegations of forced organ harvesting at the hands of China’s communist regime, targeting religious and ethnic minorities.

The experts, including special rapporteurs to the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and members of a working group on arbitrary detention, were “extremely alarmed by reports of alleged ‘organ harvesting’ targeting minorities, including Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Muslims, and Christians, in detention in China,” the agency said in a statement.

The experts, who are not tied to any government or organization and serve in the U.N. human rights system as independent specialists, formulated their opinion on the basis of what the OHCHR said was “credible information” that certain categories of detainees in China were being forcibly subjected to blood tests and organ examinations without their consent. The results of the examinations, which include ultrasound tests and X-rays, were reportedly registered in a database of living organ sources used to match organs to potential recipients, OHCHR said.

According to the allegations received, the most common organs removed from the prisoners are reportedly hearts, kidneys, livers, corneas, and, less commonly, parts of livers. This form of trafficking with a medical nature allegedly involves health sector professionals, including surgeons, anesthetists, and other medical specialists,” the experts said.


Thank You for tuning in and/or listening to the podcast.

The universe is a crazy place. Let’s see if we can explore it together.

Anyway, just listen to podcast and enjoy.

Thanks Everyone!


#RedneckDentist, #MichaelHarris, #Radio, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Trash, #Dental, #Infection, #Kip, #Kinkle, #HuffPo, #OrganHarvesting, #China

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Author: Mike Harris

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