Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Sep 12, 2021

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The Victory Against You in the Silent War is Your Silence

At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

8th+ Year Anniversary Behind The Woodshed at Real Liberty Media

Open you a can



Battlefield Internet Of Things


Engaging in counter-propaganda tactics and related work




What Works What Not






Jab Or Starve Senility



Hazmat Jab








Vicious Vultures


Digital Fiat Masters






A QueeR Code




No Significant Benefit


  • Navy Officer Reveals More Soldiers Have Died  – Dr. Lee Merritt, 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon, retired:
    “If you think we’re fighting a virus, you’re going to act like a victim.
    If you think we’re fighting a war, you’re going to act like a warrior.
    My argument is, we’re in a war. It’s a fifth generation uncharacteristic unrestricted war.
    But we have to determine who the enemy is.”


  • Update event since Post: AFFIDAVIT OF LTC. THERESA LONG M.D. IN SUPPORT OF A MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER – Medical Advisor to the 1st Aviation Brigade Commander
    1. g)  That due to the fact that there is no functional myocardial screening currently being conducted, it is my professional opinion that substantial foreseen risks currently exist, which require proper screening of all flight crews.
    2. h)  That, by virtue of their occupations, said flight crews present extraordinary risks to themselves and others given the equipment they operate, munitions carried thereon and areas of operation in close proximity to populated areas.
    3. i)  That, without any current screening procedures in place, including any Aero Message (flight surgeon notice) relating to this demonstrable and identifiable risk, I must and will therefore ground all active flight personnel who received the vaccinations until such time as the causation of these serious systemic health risks can be more fully and adequately assessed.
    4. j)  That, based on the DOD’s own protocols and studies, the only two valuable methodologies to adequately assess this risk are through MRI imaging or cardio biopsy which must be performed.
    5. k)  That, in accordance with the foregoing, I hereby recommend to the Secretary of Defense that all pilots, crew and flight personnel in the military service who required hospitalization from injection or received any Covid 19 vaccination be grounded similarly for further dispositive assessment.
    6. l) That this Court should grant an immediate injunction to stop the further harm to all military personnel to protect the health and safety of our active duty, reservists and National Guard troops.



The Backstory




Those Speaking Out





Hot Diggity Doge

Doge Of War Coin
“Of the Beasts of the world, I lift my leg in their general direction.” – Doge Of War

The Weekend War Report

Defending with

Unleash the Power of the DOGE OF WAR
Please Donate to RLM

In This Doge Eat Doge World

Required Reading

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

  • The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite. Factor VI – Cattle Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.
  • Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery
    What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

Can’t Be Fixed Unless
Listen How

The Law of War

Where Not Throwing Oppression Off, You Live Either Under an Occupation or by Conquest.

The Choice and Responsibility are Yours.

Behind The Woodshed for that practical education & hard but necessary dose of reality.

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Behind The Woodshed for that practical education & hard but necessary dose of reality. B.Y.O.B. : Bring Your Own Brain. Spread The Word.(^_^)

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