The Journey Is Very Short 

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Did someone break your heart?
Stay calm.

Did someone betray you, intimidate, cheat or humiliate you?

Did someone insult you without reason?
Stay calm.
Ignore it.

Did a neighbor comment on the chat that you didn’t like?
Stay calm.
Ignore them.
Forgive that.

Whatever the problem someone has brought us, remember that our journey together is too short.

No one knows the length of that trip. Nobody knows when it will arrive at its stop.

We will appreciate friends and family.
Let us be respectful, kind and forgive, we will be filled with gratitude and joy, after all our trip together is very short.
The journey is very short ❤
An elderly woman got on a bus and sat down. At the next stop, a strong, grumpy young woman climbed up and sat down sharply beside the old woman, hitting her with her numerous bags.

When she saw that the elderly woman remained silent, the young woman asked her why she had not complained when she hit her with her bags.

The elderly woman replied with a smile: ′′ There is no need to be rude or discuss something so insignificant, as my trip next to you is so short because I am going to get off at the next stop.”

This answer deserves to be written in gold letters: ′′ There is no need to discuss something so insignificant, because our journey together is too short.”

Each of us must understand that our time in this world is so short, that darkening with struggles, useless arguments, jealousy, not forgiving others, discontent and an attitude of constant discovery is a ridiculous waste of time and energy.

paraphrased c/p Dr Fami

Art: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Manchaa and his squire, a simple farmer Sancho Panza. Doryssam Dora Macias Fernandez

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Author: VinE
Custodial Heir for Real Liberty Media / RLM Radio

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