Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 19, 2023

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The Victory Against You in the Silent War is Your Silence

At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

9th+ Year Anniversary Behind The Woodshed at Real Liberty Media

Open you a can



Flatfoot Fiascos


Engaging in counter-propaganda tactics and related work


New RLM APPdate


Zio Civil War




Diplomatic Coup




Dangerous Failure




Terror Dujour



Perception Plotters



High A[l]titude Antics





Crypto Crush




  • Contexts for Central Bank Digital Currency: IMPORTANT READ. “The key point is, this will no longer be our money but instead an expression of Central Bank liability.” “Programmable CBDC is the technology.”“that if the central bank doesn’t approve of how we are expressing its liability, it will . . . limit and control where, when and on what we can spend their money, up to an including the point of us having none to spend.””that if the central bank doesn’t approve of how we are expressing its liability, it will have what Carstens boasted are the ‘rules’, the ‘regulations’ and the ‘technology’ to limit and control where, when and on what we can spend their money, up to an including the point of us having none to spend.””Under these terms, CBDC will be an automated form of governance enforced outside of any legislative or juridical mediation. Comply or starve. This is a system of totalitarian control, the likes of which the world has never seen before, and it is being implemented now.”

    “And once implemented, short of a revolutionary overthrow of the Global Biosecurity State, it will be very, very difficult to reverse. Indeed, in the written evidence submitted to the UK Parliament in September 2022, the Digital Pound Foundation, whose board members have numerous links individually or through partner companies to the World Economic Forum and which is partnered with Ripple, the blockchain-based digital payment company, wrote:

    The introduction of new forms of digital money—whether public or private in form—is irreversible.”








Bank Runs For Losers




















Hot Diggity Doge

Doge Of War Coin
“Of the Beasts of the world, I lift my leg in their general direction.” – Doge Of War

The Weekend War Report

Defending with

Unleash the Power of the DOGE OF WAR
Please Donate to RLM

In This Doge Eat Doge World

Required Reading

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

  • The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite. Factor VI – Cattle Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.
  • Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery
    What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

Can’t Be Fixed Unless
Listen How

The Law of War

Where Not Throwing Oppression Off, You Live Either Under an Occupation or by Conquest.

The Choice and Responsibility are Yours.

Behind The Woodshed for that practical education & hard but necessary dose of reality.

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Behind The Woodshed for that practical education & hard but necessary dose of reality. B.Y.O.B. : Bring Your Own Brain. Spread The Word.(^_^)

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