Cliven Bundy and His Cows

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What you eat is like the news you get, it’s what you’re fed.

If you’re getting your info from mainstream media, you’re being fed swill.

For the True Story about the Bundy Ranch.
I’d invite you read the book from Mike Stickler, Cliven Bundy American Patriot.

This is the account in the background on the ranches establishment and the Fed Led Standoff in April 2014. This narrative comes straight from Cliven to Mike.

You can get a quick rundown from Bryan Hyde. Listen as he discusses this further as well as the September, 2023 Op-Ed New York Times article by Christopher Ketcham, …Cliven Bundy and His Cows.

Ketcham is an opinion piece writer and authored “This Land: How Cowboys, Capitalism and Corruption Are Ruining the American West”.

Image: Vincent Easley II, Bundy Ranch Nevada 2023.

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Author: VinE
Custodial Heir for Real Liberty Media / RLM Radio

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