Bundy Ranch Standoff, Greg Burleson, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, March 9, 2023.

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If you’ve ever wondered what the view looked like during the 2017/18, US v Cliven Bundy et al. Trial, this is it.

Judge Gloria Navarro held court on the 7th floor at the Lloyd D. George Federal Courthouse in Las Vegas.

This is also where the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was to convene to hear Appeals for Greg Burleson on March 7th, 2023.

However, for some reason court was moved across the street that morning to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Nevada at the Las Vegas Foley Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals heard the case for Burleson’s charges stemming from the days that followed the Fed-Led Standoff on the Bundy Ranch in April 2014.


Those convictions came, not for anything he did, but what he said he’d do while being plied with booze by the FBI who were posing as a documentary film crew, Longbow Productions.

Unfortunately, his bid for freedom was struck down as his convictions were upheld later that year.

Cliven and Carol Bundy, John Lamb, and Vincent Easley II were in attendance.

You can watch those proceedings here:

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Author: VinE
Custodial Heir for Real Liberty Media / RLM Radio

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