Who is Schaeffer Cox?

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Who is Schaeffer Cox? This is a summary of his story.


On March 10, 2011, the United States Government planned to murder a Christian, a loving father, a husband, a son, a brother, a friend, an adventurer, and an amazing leader and hero.


They failed! They failed to silence him. They failed to make him disappear. They failed to find ANY crime in him at all, therefore, they made one up.


They withheld the truth from the jury and the public. They lied. They twisted facts. They broke their own laws to fill another prison bed. They threw him away in a cell in a black site prison and tortured him.

(paraphrased from a post in support of Schaeffer)


Recently released from prison, wishing the best to Schaeffer Cox today and into the future.


Francis August Schaeffer Cox (born February 11, 1984), known as Schaeffer Cox, is an American political activist, convicted felon, and founder of an organization called the Alaska Peacemakers Militia.[1] wiki



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Author: VinE
Custodial Heir for Real Liberty Media / RLM Radio

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