Tag: Abolish

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Dec. 25, 2022

No Peace On Earth, JFK AssaCIAns, Abolish The Alphabets, Looming Health Threats, Catastrophic Contagion, Fossil Evolution, Infallible Deceit, ZioNAZIsm, On The War Path, Stormy Clouds, Rlog, BTWRLM504, CIA, Direct Involvement, Assassination, JFK, TwitterFiles, military influence, FBI, abolish, censorship collusion, Rep. James Comer, Google, Facebook, Secret, Twitter Portal, Censor, COVID-19, Content, Lysine, Bell’s Palsy, Jab Harm, crackdown, homeopathy, homeopaths, Life Expectancy, cholera, Anti-vaccine, activism, anti-science aggression, major killing force, globally, Major Meathead, WHO sycophant, Canada, expanding, euthanasia, Catastrophic Contagion, Endless Disease, Johns Hopkins, Next Plandemic, Mystery disease, kills children, Afghanistan, Kissinger, Ukraine, peace proposal, Merkel’s Confession, Minsk Agreements, Lie, Vatican apologizes, Pope Francis, anti-Nazi resolution, Mariupol, Masada, Azov Regiment, PR, Nazi-inspired, US prison guards, UK, deployed troops, NATO, military, stockpiles depleted, Full-Blown War, Russia

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